How to clean the iron from scale

How to clean the iron from scale

After some time after buying an iron, his sole ceases to be slippery. Or when you work in the silence mode, it begins to "spit" a dirty raid. Therefore, it is useful to learn how to clean the iron at home.

Clear iron can be using salt. Put a little salt on a paper sheet - say, 3 tablespoons. Heated iron should be ironed for some time. Take such manipulations to salt from the surface.

Place a couple of large spoons of salt into elastic fabric. The most dirty plot is wiping in such a "bag." This method is comfortable with a well heated iron. Remember that it is prohibited using salt with salt to clean the soles that have teflon coatings are prohibited!

Slipped iron sprinkle salt. Next, a slightly damp cloth is a clutch until the stains disappear. After performing this procedure, treated with a dry cloth. This method is used with insignificant irrigination of the iron.

Using a paraffin candle, the cleaning of the iron is carried out in such a sequence. Paraffin candle wrap in cotton fabric, then heating the iron and remove such a device. The candle begins to melt. Therefore, you need to tilt the sole of the iron so that paraffin from the candle glasses on the substituted pallet. At the end of the cleaning, remove the remains of paraffin along with the mud. This technique is not relevant to clean the irons equipped with a steam function. There are holes on their soles, and when they hit the paraffin, it is possible to steal things when ironing.

To clean the iron with a vinegar, plunge into it with a rag or any tampon. After that, the faded iron platform should be lost. To clear the iron-contaminated sole, the vinegar mix the ammonia alcohol, and the chilled iron is wiped with such a mixture. If this method could not remove all the contaminants, then put the iron on the rag, sprinkled with vinegar. During this period of time, the dirt softened and peels off the iron.

Wat is wetted by a solution of hydrogen peroxide, and wipe the iron platform. In special circumstances, the use of acetone is allowed. During purification, the smell of hydrogen peroxide is not felt. It is necessary to be extremely neat when performing such a job, so as not to hook the plastic parts of the iron.

The most modern means for cleaning the iron from scale is a special pencil Typhoon. First turns on the iron to heat its sole. After a couple of minutes, turn it off to produce a lamp with a pencil. As soon as the chemical reaction begins, there will be a softening of a car on the yoy sole. After that, the tag is easily removed with a rag. Substances allocated during a chemical reaction are not dangerous to health. But due to the vapor of the ammonia, they have a rather unpleasant smell. After cooling the sole of the iron wipe it with a cloth.

Thus, scale on the iron is not such a deadly problem. It is easily solved with the help of girlfriend. Well, if you give preference only with special means, buy a pencil for this Typhoon.

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