How to clean the carpet from spots

How to clean the carpet from spots

The carpets, unfolded on the floor, not only create a pleasant atmosphere and comfort, but do not allow our legs in winter when the floors are cold. By the way about winter, it is possible to combine pleasant with useful, knocking out a carpet on the snow.

Vacuuming carpet. If the carpet recently cleaned or carefully watched him every day, then this is enough. But if we want to refresh it, bring the stains, return bright colors, then this is only the first stage of the upcoming work.

We carry out deep dry cleaning with a cook salt (preferably small "extra") and brushes. Salt sprinkle across the carpet, cleaned with a brush. We repeat the procedure until the salt remains clean. Salt residues vacuuming.

With stains it is easier to cope until they are fresh. The following solution will help from the appended spots: a half-table of hydrogen peroxide mix with 2 tbsp. Soda until complete dissolution. We rub the mixture into a stain. If it is not possible to wash it immediately, we leave for a while and repeat everything again. Soda will help to get rid of the unpleasant smell: we smear on a stain, we leave for 5 minutes, vacuuming.

Dirt from the street do not touch until it dry, later cleaned with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

Freshly stain from spilled tea or coffee dried with a dry cloth, then rinsed with a sponge dipped in a soap solution; The old spot lubricate the glycerin, we leave for the night, and we rinse with soap solution in the morning.

Blood, chocolate and alcohol with a wet cloth, and then clean the brush moistened in the solution: 1 liters of warm water 1 tsp. detergent and 1 tsp. Wine vinegar.

Fat stains thoroughly rub in potato or corn starch, we leave for a few minutes, vacuuming. If it does not help, resort to a guaranteed method - by gasoline. Small sifted sawdust moistened in gasoline sprinkled on a fat stain, we are waiting for 5 minutes, vacuuming.

The stain from ink fall asleep salt, then, removing the salt, three stain with lemon or citric acid.


Paraffin or wax spots are removed only when the wax will freeze. Gently scrape a knife. To remnants we apply ice in the package. When paraffin becomes fragile, screamed it. If the cold helped, it will help warmly. Under the spot and put several napkins or paper on the spot, stroke the paper with a warm iron or heating the hair dryer. Perhaps you will have to spend a lot of time, but the result in this case is 100%.

When all pronounced stains brought out, give the gloss to the carpet. To do this, we recruit some water into the basin, add shampoo, washing powder or liquid soap, whipping the foam and applied only the foam without fluid on the entire surface of the carpet. When the foam is dry, vacuuming. The colors are refreshing, unpleasant odors will disappear.

The carpet requires attention and care. Of course, to carry out the general cleaning of the carpet - the case is troublesome and hard, but only by assessing these difficulties, we will learn to appreciate the cleanliness and get rid of problems as they are received, and not postponing for tomorrow.

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