How to remove rust stains from clothes

How to remove rust stains from clothes

Spots from rust deliver a lot of trouble and disorders of hostesses. Sometimes to bring them not easy. We will reveal several simple effective ways to eliminate such stains.
You can get rid of stains using lemon. On the ironing board, we spread the stot item up, it is better to put some fabric under the stain. Rusty stains are abundantly soaked with juice squeezing from lemon, and then stroke the hot iron. Perhaps the procedure will have to repeat several times. When the stain disappears at all, the thing should be well ringed without soap in cool water. And then erase in the usual way.

Help in the fight against the rusty stain can also vinegar. In the refractory container, we pour a glass of water, we are divorced 1st. vinegar, after which he heat the mixture almost before boiling. We remove from the fire and in the hot solution add a few drops of the ammonia and the pinch of food soda. The contaminated portion of the fabric is lowered into the resulting solution, then we climb the hand stain and rinse, we repeat several times until the stain disappears.

With white clothing, a 2% solution of hydrochloric acid will help remove rusty stain. To do this, the wrapped cloth needs to soak in the solution to completely disappear. Then the clothes must be rolled in an aqueous solution of ammonia alcohol (for 1l. Waters - 3 tbsp. Salmonica). From the stains after such a processing there will be no trace.

Another way for white linen, equipped with rust - use hydrosulfit. To do this, add 1 liter of water 1 tsp. Hydrosulfite and heating the solution to 70 ° C. Then, not an oven, soaked in it with a stain with a spot for a few minutes. After removing the spot, the thing needs to be carefully rinsed. In no case do not use this method to color things, because the place of interaction with hydrosulfite will be discouched.

For colored fabrics, the next way to combat rusty stain is suitable: we prepare a mixture of dental powder, white chalk, glycerol and water, all in equal shares. Mixed to a homogeneous mass Cashitz rubbed into a rusty spot and leave to be soaked for a day. After that, the thing should be rolled and wrapped in the usual way.

After replenishing your piggy bank of the hosts secrets by these recipes for the removal of rusty spots, you can easily cope with them without difficulty.

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