How to remove resin from clothes

How to remove resin from clothes

After a fun holiday in nature, in a city park or forest, arriving home, your mood can be pretty spoiled. And the whole wine is spots from the wood resin, which are capable of staying on clothing. You can become a victim of circumstances, even closing the furniture from natural wood. Therefore, it is very useful to know how to remove the resin from the clothes, without causing the fabric.

Before directly removing the stain, it is necessary to remove the sticky layer of resin by mechanical manner. Make sure that the substance does not have absorbed even deeper into the fabric. Try to make a sharp object, for example, a knife. You can send a thing to the freezer so that the resin hardened from a low temperature, because it will be easier to remove its residues. You can sprinkle a large salt that will remove the stickiness.

After such simple manipulations to remove the sticky layer on clothes, a greenish stain remains. If you have resin in your hair or on fur products, it is recommended to pre-process the contamination with sunflower oil. After that, you can use an ordinary detergent for dishes.

The simplest means to get rid of the spots of the resin - alcohol. Moisten the pure chopper in alcohol, sweete the stain. From him and the trace will not remain. However, remember that the chemical reaction will not happen immediately, but only after 20 minutes 20 residues are removed from the fibers of the fabric.

Effective in combating wood resin - gasoline and turbid. But after their use remains the smell. We will have to wear well with an aromatic air conditioner for linen. When using gasoline, it is not recommended to merge from the tank of your car. Better buy special, cleaned in the store.

In the arsenal of any girl there is a liquid for removing varnish, which perfectly cope with wood resin, as it acts as any solvent. But remember that acetone is able to destroy the fabric made of acetate silk.

You will, of course, will be surprised, but for removing wood resin, carbonated drinks are often used. This is a beloved by many "Trinity" Cola-sprite-yad. They are inherent in beautiful stained properties. Soak the stain for a while, and soon it will disappear.

In the case there are solvents can damage the color of things, use the iron. For the fabric and put on it with a rag, soft paper, paper towels, then you need to try. From the high temperature of the resin will start melting, leaking on the rag. In this case, the fabric is not blocked. After putting clothes.

To remove the resin from artificial and genuine leather, prepare a soap solution in hot water. Launder until the spots are completely disappeared. Creamy oil need to lubricate the solar stain of the resin.

Treat a stain from the edges to the center so that it does not spread, pre-mix the tissue around the water or sprinkled with starch. In no way, do not try pollution! After cleaning, remove the remains of the substance itself with clean water, which was used to remove the wood resin. Be sure to dress rubber gloves when working, do not inhale the pairs of stains, do not smoke near and do not turn on the stove.

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