Whitening toothpaste

Whitening toothpaste

A snow-white smile is the ideal to which everyone strives and is trying to achieve it with the help of a whitening toothpaste. Especially often about its miraculous properties is mentioned in commercials. Let's break in more detail how true they are and what is part of all these whitening toothpastes.

Often the composition of whitening toothpaste is different from the usual presence of some special ingredient. These special components aimed at whitening the enamel of the teeth can be divided by three groups: mechanical, chemical and prophylactic. Mechanical ingredients are different magnitude of abrasive elements that affect the dental enamel on the principle of scrub, but such an impact may increase the sensitivity of the dental enamel and lead to hyperesthesia. The chemical effect on teeth whitening occurs with the addition of certain chemical components to the toothpaste, such as hydrogen peroxide or carbamide, which are oxidized with a dark bloom and brighten it. Preventive whitening toothpastes for the most part are aimed at preserving the light-colored enamel, for example, after professional whitening, as they prevent the formation of a tartar.

Give an unequivocal answer to the question of how effective the whitening toothpastes are very difficult. Since the promised shining whiteness, they do not attach, as they do not try. And it is worth noting that excessive efforts to whiten the teeth of such a toothpaste can be very detrimental to reflected in the state of dental enamel and gums. Therefore, it is worth using such substances in a complex with professional whitening in the office of the dentist, to maintain the resulting whiteness, only in this case they will give the necessary whiteness.

Pay attention to the use of bleaching toothpastes primarily stands to lovers of coffee beverages and smokers who receive yellowed dental enamel due to the effects of harmful substances contained in both coffee and tobacco. But there is a group of people who should refrain from using such dental pastes are those who have very sensitive tooth enamel and periodontal disease. It is also not desirable to use them in youthful to 12-14 years, since the dental enamel is in the formation stage, and the external impact may prevent the natural process.

As for the choice of the manufacturer of bleaching toothpaste, here each company manufacturing toothpastes has its own whitening paste. The choice of dentists and ordinary buyers in most cases falls into three well-known brands of manufacturers: Crest (Procter & Gamble), Splat, R.O.c.S. However, before the final purchase, it is worth consulting with friends or read reviews about the selected toothpaste on the Internet.

Constant concern for dental enamels and preventive procedures will help preserve the natural color of your smile, and not only dentists will come to the rescue for this, but also the daily use of whitening toothpaste. But a snow-white Hollywood smile without harm to the teeth is utopia, to which there is no need to strive in ordinary life.

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