Whitening gel for teeth - True or myth

Whitening gel for teeth - True or myth

Modern dentistry offers a lot of opportunities to improve the beauty of your smile: from the process of restoration of the teeth before the snow-white gives them. Regarding the treatment of teeth, there is practically no question, which cannot be said about bleaching. Let's find out whether it is harmful to whiten the teeth offered by gels and how efficiently it is.

Homemade chemical teeth whitening implies the use of a special gel based on hydrogen peroxide, which is applied to the KAPU pre-made in the dental clinic, which reflects the physiological structure of your jaw. Capa, filled with gel, dresses several times a day for several hours or all night. The complexity of the application of such a whitening method is that it is difficult to choose the individual gel dosage, and the result of such a selection "on the eye" can be the appearance of increased sensitivity of teeth, damage to the enamel and irritation of the mucous membrane.

Whitening under the conditions of the dental clinic will be performed on all the rules: the teeth are pre-prepared, and before applying the gel, your mucosa is protected by special linings. But if you decide to spend homemade whitening, compulsory consult our dentist for the expediency of the use of gel to whitening in your case, let the doctor advise, which drug is suitable for you. For sensitive teeth, it is better to use a gel with a 10% level of hydrogen peroxide. 16% gel is suitable for teeth whitening most people. If on the package, the level of the active substance is 22% - refuse to use such a gel, the result of bleaching will be fast, but the consequences of it will be very negatively affected by your teeth and the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

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Lighten your teeth at least one tone - the task is very complicated, so do not expect a miracle that your teeth will be lighter at once on 4-5 tons. The correct use of gels will help to achieve the desired effect only subject to several basic rules that cannot be disrupted:

  • Check off when completely healthy and not damaged enamel carious processes.
  • Perform the prevention of periodontal diseases.
  • Pre-make professional hygiene procedures of the entire oral cavity, which include not only the elimination of carious processes, but also removing a solid and soft plaque on the teeth.
  • Do not dwell with the procedure, strictly withstand the time to whiten the time, follow the state of the mucous membrane.
  • For longer maintaining the effect of teeth whitening, try to abandon coffee, cigarettes, tea and products that pigment tooth enamel.

Since the main component of any whitening gels is concentrated hydrogen peroxide or less saturated carbamide peroxide, there are several contraindications for this procedure:

  • It is forbidden to make whitening pregnant women and lactating women, adolescents under the age of 15, patients with periodontal and allergies to hydrogen peroxide.
  • Wedge-shaped defects are direct contraindication for teeth whitening. Golden teeth should be closed with a special material.
  • Bleaching is prohibited if the front surface of your teeth is restored. The effect of the drug is a chemical process at which the dental enamel is clarified, but not photopolymer seals.

If you still decided to resort to the whitening of the teeth with the help of the gels intended for this - weigh all the "for" and "against". Do not forget that the main composition of the gels is the concentrated peroxide of hydrogen, which acts destructively, and this will require new investments in your teeth, in the form of remineralizing enamel drugs.

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