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  • Teeth
    You are quite an adult, you are 20 years old, and you have started to grow tooth. This is an unusual tooth, it is called tooth of wisdom.
    05.02.2019 317 0
  • Teeth
    The perception of a person depends on many factors: the right speech, the manners of communication, neat appearance and moral principles.
    07.05.2018 400 0
  • Health
    With dental pain in his life, probably, each of us came across, but what a pulpit is, not everyone knows.
    11.11.2017 364 0
  • Anatomy
    The process of replacing milk teeth for permanent lasts 7-9 years, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.
    08.10.2017 409 2
  • Diseases
    Different rashes on the gums, mucous membranes and shoes, as well as the nose, are combined with one name - stomatitis.
    04.09.2017 417 2
  • Teeth
    Clean white teeth look beautiful. In pursuit of beauty, people prefer to turn to professionals for teeth whitening.
    18.06.2017 448 0
  • Teeth
    Tooth removal - the unpleasant procedure, but at home the removal occurs less traumatic for the nervous system of the child and adult.
    06.06.2017 432 0
  • Health
    Sensitive teeth can pretrately spoil you the usual daily life, if you do not do this problem in a timely manner.
    08.05.2017 385 0
  • Teeth
    The oral hygiene is a rather scrupulous question, as many people still remain in the ignorance of elementary rules of teeth care.
    06.05.2017 400 1
  • Teeth
    The toothed nerve, or as it is customary to be called correctly - the pulp, is the very binder that gives our teeth the ability to feel warm, cold, any external irritation.
    30.04.2017 426 0
  • Teeth
    Tooth thread is a unique device that allows you to quickly get rid of the tissue on the teeth and between them.
    12.04.2017 391 0
  • Teeth
    Dental enamel is a kind of dental protection that does not give the external stimuli to destroy the teeth. However, due to improper teeth care, enamel is erased and it increases the risk of caries formation.
    11.02.2017 534 1
  • Diseases
    Stomatitis is an unpleasant disease of the oral cavity, which is manifested in the form of small, but numerous ulcers on the inside of the cheek, sky and lips.
    11.02.2017 460 0
  • Teeth
    When the moon enters the constellation of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus or Scorpio, then a favorable time begins to visit the dentist.
    10.02.2017 528 1
  • Health
    The dental crown is the most common and current method of prosthetics, which can be used in any injuries, defects and other types of dental destruction.
    27.01.2017 441 0
  • Anatomy
    Almost all people today are cleaning their teeth with a conventional toothbrush. But they do not cope with the task and clean only the front teeth, and while the distant remains crude.
    22.11.2016 456 0
  • Health
    Toothproof is a cunning thing, from which you can literally climb on the wall. Well, if the situation allows you to reach the doctor, but what should I do if there is no such possibility in the near future?
    30.10.2016 520 0
  • Health
    The health of our teeth is directly related to the long-term painless well-being of the whole body. Because without food, we cannot do without food, then the rules of hygiene must be fulfilled.
    09.06.2016 566 0
  • Teeth
    Each second person complains of insufficient whiteness of his teeth. Every fourth - tried to whiten his teeth at home, without even suspecting the harmfulness of his act.
    27.03.2016 679 0
  • Teeth
    Teeth are the most durable formation of our body. They perform an important feature of biting and facing food.
    20.03.2016 564 0
  • Teeth
    Tooth in the gum - pathology, which meets more and more often. In dental terminology, this problem of the development of the dentition has a keen name - the retention of the tooth.
    20.10.2015 1584 0
  • Teeth
    An unpleasant smell of mouth has a scientific name - Halitoz. The reasons for this mischief can be the most different - from insufficient oral hygiene to serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
    16.10.2015 1009 0
  • Teeth
    Many of us know that such a toothache and how it can interfere in everyday life. But worse it becomes when the tooth of wisdom begins to hurt.
    11.10.2015 1178 0
  • Teeth
    Not all people from nature have a beautiful smile, after all, not everyone can boast of smooth teeth and the right taste.
    10.10.2015 886 0
  • Teeth
    Modern dental service - teeth whitening, is available today in any medical office.
    10.10.2015 832 0
  • Teeth
    Dentistry, as well as other areas of medicine, do not stand still. There are still new and new trends in this science.
    09.10.2015 1057 0
  • Teeth
    Pump in the teeth testifies to the presence of an inflammatory process, which is caused by the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the pulp.
    08.10.2015 2117 1
  • Teeth
    The irrigator is a device that is used to purify the teeth, the tongue and other zones of the oral cavity from the residues of food using an aqueous jet coming under pressure.
    08.10.2015 690 0
  • Teeth
    With the inflammation of the gums, we appear the desire to cope with the problem as quickly and painlessly, because the unpleasant feelings in the oral cavity interfere with full-fledged food.
    08.10.2015 918 0
  • Teeth
    The first teeth of your baby may appear without any problems without any disturbances.
    07.10.2015 661 4
  • Teeth
    The unpleasant smell of mouth, bleeding during contact with a toothbrush, the appearance of redness - all these are the first signs of inflammation of the dysen.
    04.10.2015 1380 2
  • Teeth
    When an acute dental pain appears, it is not always possible to contact a specialist immediately, and we have to remember all the submitted means that can eliminate pain syndrome.
    04.10.2015 1734 1
  • Teeth
    The cyst of the teeth is a capsule, an inflammatory character formed on the root of the tooth and is a fibrous shell, filled with inflammatory exudate (Mouth).
    04.10.2015 1065 0
  • Teeth
    Many say that the toothaches are the strongest, and it is most difficult to endure. When it is not possible to go to the doctor, and the medicines do not help, old-kind folk remedies come to the rescue.
    04.10.2015 2105 2
  • Teeth
    Uneven teeth are found not only in children, but also in adults. And oddly enough, some think that it is necessary to correct such a drawback only in childhood, which is completely incorrect statement.
    04.10.2015 1449 1
  • Teeth
    After removal of the tooth, the resulting wreck must be rinsed for rapid healing and preventing malicious microbes.
    04.10.2015 1759 0
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