How to remove the nerve from the tooth

How to remove the nerve from the tooth

A toothed nerve, or how it is called correctly - a pulp, is the very binder that gives our teeth the ability to feel warm, cold, any external irritation. Also on nerves circulate blood flow, which strengthens the tooth and gives it mineralization. Very often, coming to inspection to the dentist, you immediately say that the nerve will have to be removed. This is quite justified, because a competent specialist can determine to what your tooth is amazed, and if the ailment of nerves touched. If you are interested in the removal process, and you want to know more about the reasons and consequences of this procedure, refer to the article below.

When the nerve removal is required

If you notice signs of caries on your teeth, but did not turn to the dentist, since the tooth does not bother you, then you are on the right track to remove the teeth pulp. The thing is that the usual defeat of the teeth by caries may not disturb the person for a long time until it reaches the pulp, and the patient will not develop a pulpit. Its defeat is characterized by a sharp pulsating pain, inability to chew, inflammation.

In addition to this method of damage to the nerve, there is another likelihood of a tooth injury, in which the pulp will be found. It also causes severe pain and other symptoms of the tooth nerve injury.

Even without caries, the pulp can inflame if a small canal was formed in the tooth, according to which bacteria can reach the nerve. Therefore, remember that cracks in the teeth are a serious lesion that requires treatment.

How is the removal of the nerve of the tooth

To date, there are two methods for removing the nerve of teeth. The first is considered long ago obsolete and even dangerous, and the second is widely used in all dentists.

How to remove pulp arsenic

Such removal occurs in two stages, and sometimes in three. At the first reception, the dentist needs to drill the cavity of the tooth and get to the nerve. After that, instead of a seal in the tooth, arsenic is installed. This material slowly kills your nerve, which may be accompanied by a strong novel pain. Install such a type of seals for 2-3 days, no more. Otherwise you can lose the whole tooth completely.

On the second reception, the dentist frees your channels, removing nerves. It can also be very painful if arsenic not completely "killed."

The whole process is long enough and painful, and also makes a person to face such a poison as arsenic. New technologies are now apply.

How does the pulp removal on our days

Now the dentists do not need arsenic, they can remove the nerve of the teeth in just one visit, a duration of about an hour. This happens as follows:

  • The doctor frees the cavity of the tooth, driving the affected fabrics.
  • Under severe anesthesia, the patient does not feel any discomfort.
  • A special device dentist gets a beam of nerves, twisting them from the gums.
  • Channels are sealing, like the whole tooth.

This procedure causes less discomfort to a person, and also allows you to immediately return to the usual way of life.

How is the incomplete removal of the nerve of the tooth

Such a procedure most often makes children and teenagers to keep the root of their teeth and give it to form until the end. It is carried out under local anesthesia, which does not cause pain.

The doctor removes only the upper part of the pulp, leaving its untouched its root part, after which the tooth seals. Of course, such a procedure can be carried out only in case of incomplete damage to the nerve.

After removing the nerve of the tooth, such phenomena as a change in enamel color, up to gray, inability to feel any irritation with this tooth, periodic pains from climate change, chronic diseases and many other reasons.

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