Cyst at the root of the tooth, how to get rid of

Cyst at the root of the tooth, how to get rid of

The cyst of the tooth is a capsule, an inflammatory character formed on the root of the tooth and is a fibrous shell, filled with inflammatory exudate (pus). Let's find out in more detail about this disease in order to have an idea how to get rid of it.

Symptoms of the cysts of the tooth

For the development of this neoplascence, an asymptomatic flow is characteristic, and often in the early periods of the formation of cysts, it is possible to identify it with a random visit to the dentist, which is not connected with this problem tooth. The cyst of the tooth is accurately diagnosed on a radiographic picture, where it can be clearly allocated to its boundaries. To identify yourself a cyst can barely noticeable non-specific manifestations, such as soreness when pressed on the gum in the patient's area or light discomfort when prickling on it.

For the late stage of development of this disease, the emergence of basic determining symptoms is characterized by:

  • Permanent pain in the tooth caused by the appearance of which even a light load on it can be. Pain over time is intensified and practically not removed by analgesics.
  • Soft fabrics (gums) in the area of \u200b\u200bthe patient's tooth are hyperemic, edema, painful with palpation.
  • Frequent headaches in the formation of cysts on the upper jaw, when the pathological process is engaged in the involvement of a gaimore sinus.
  • Increased body temperature and related overeating.
  • The formation of a fistula, which binds the oral cavity and the focus of inflammation in bone tissue.

Causes of tooth cyst

Several main sources of education of the cyst of the tooth are distinguished, they include:

  1. teeth injuries;
  2. poor-quality dental care when the root channel of the tooth is infected;
  3. reduced immunity;
  4. chronic diseases of teeth and periodontal (caries, periodontitis, periodontitis, pulpit);
  5. poor prosthetics when inflammatory processes occur under crowns;
  6. complicated teething;
  7. chronic, not treated nasophary disease.

Types of teeth cysts

The kind of tooth cysts is determined by the cause of its occurrence and location of localization. There are several types:

  • cyst tooth wisdom, a teething tooth or front tooth;
  • neoplasm detecting in a gaimor sinus;
  • the development of cysts as a result of infection of the bone after the removal of the tooth;
  • neof formation, developing against chronic periodontitis;
  • infection of dental primary and appearance due to this follicular cyst.

Methods for the treatment of tooth cysts

There is a therapeutic method for removing the neoplasm, which is characterized by gentle course of treatment. A negative point when choosing this method will be frequent cases of relapses. The treatment is to remove the old fill in the tooth, develop and felt the channels, pumping through the obtained access of pus and the introduction of costhaming drugs. To assess the treatment, you will be encouraged by a visit to the doctor in a few months.


The progressive and modern method of treating teeth neoplasms is the laser effect on the place of the tumor. Removal of cyst occurs without any difficulties and manifestations of pain. The doctor reveals the tooth, expands the channels, enters the laser to access, removes the cyst and disinfects the inflammation area. The advantages of this treatment include the complete absence of complications and good disinfection of not only affected tissues, but adjacent to the pathological region.

Surgical intervention is the most traumatic, but subsequently 100% excellent results in the way. Before carrying out the operation, the tooth is disclosed, felt the root channels, processing and filling them with a special sealing material. Under local anesthesia, in the field of the canal tops, a superal tissue is performed, to access the bone. A special tool, through the dice-made access to the bone, is completely extracted by a cyst and an affected appearance (top) tooth root. The resulting cavity is filled with regenerating drugs. After incision, the doctor is given recommendations for further recovery. A plus of this treatment is its availability, which cannot be said about laser intervention.

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On time, not detected and not treated cyst may lead to the appearance of deplorable consequences (serious chronic diseases, blood infection, the loss of the tooth, which could be preserved). In suspected of the occurrence of this disease, immediately contact the dental care. Do not attempt to get rid of the neoplasm using folk methods, since the teeth cyst is a serious problem that requires medical intervention.

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