How to get rid of dental pain at home fast

How to get rid of dental pain at home fast

Toothproof is a cunning thing, from which you can literally climb on the wall. Well, if the situation allows you to reach the doctor, but what to do, if there is no such possibility in the near future? Head facilities come to the rescue, which is in every home.

How to get rid of dental pain at home fast - pharmacy drugs

Did you suddenly have a tooth home? Do not tolerate pain, take a first-aid kit and start treatment:

  • drink the analgin tablet, you can add but-shu to it. Quickly remove pain syndrome - Nurofen, Ketanov, Decalgin, Naz. Anesthetic period - from 2 to 8 hours;
  • found a novocaine ampoule? Consider you lucky. Water with a liquid, attach to the tooth - the effect is instant, two hours holds;
  • naming the gum of the Gel type SalkoSerily or Holoval. The effect lasts half an hour, you can fall asleep or walk to a doctor;
  • keep pain and ordinary dental drops. Moisten a cotton ball with medicine, attach to a sick tooth for 5-10 minutes. The pain calms down and will not resemble a long time. You can also use clove, fir, mint oil.

How to get rid of dental pain at home fast - rinsing

Along with the intake of analgesics, the rinsing of the mouth with different solutions and champions is popular:

  • in a glass of warm water, put 1 tbsp. l. Salts, add 3 drops of iodine. Wechit the oral cavity once per hour;
  • pour 5 tablespoons. l. dry sage 300 ml of boiling water (suitable oak bark, Chamomile, St. John's wort). Let sit for 20 minutes, strain, cool. Take a decoction in the mouth in small portions, and hold your liquid to the affected area for 30 seconds;
  • in a liter of boiling water, throw a handful of onion husk. Steep on the weak fire of a quarter of an hour, remove the cleaning, rinse every half an hour. The tool relieves the pain even under the crown, the dental enamel, of course, will darken a little.

How to get rid of dental pain at home fast - folk ways

In the folk piggy bank of recipes from dental pain, they are all effective, although some of them seem unusual and even strange.

  • Take a big bow head, clean and begin to crumble finely. As soon as you pay in three streams, the tooth will pass.
  • Cut the piece of the unsalted salary and lay it between the cheek and twigging the gums. After thirty, the tooth calms down.
  • Scroll through 3 grains of carnations, mocking a piece of the rolling in the clove dust and put in the new hollow.

How to get rid of dental pain at home fast - conspiracies

Of course, the basis of the conspiracy is self-consuming, but when the tooth hurts, and the doctor is still so far, it is believed in any magical forces. It is best to read the miraculous words to read at night with candles, but when it is possible in the afternoon of non-pain.

  • Press the index finger to the sore place, saying: "Month in the sky, the Sun in Duba, Zamre worm in the tooth."
  • Put a glass with water in front of yourself and say: "Fasteners, like a stone, healthy da white, and a birth is not my lot." Having said this, drink water with a volley.
  • Say, looking out the window: "The sun village is red, disappeared by a two-legged month in the clouds, go away and you are in darkness, pain, and more to me (name) Do not return."

Property words from the selected conspiracy in a whisper, three times in a row, without looking around for outsiders.

How to get rid of dental pain at home fast - prayer

There is a simple prayer to the Saint Matron of Moscow. You need to cross and ask: "Mother Matronushka, be Milostiv! Udichomir Toothpicking is sudden and help me serve her before Lekary. Amen".

All these tips will help and remove a toothpower for a while, so take advantage of the respite and visit the dentist, so as not to bring themselves to insomnia and nervous stress.

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