How to rinse your teeth salt

How to rinse your teeth salt

Many say that the toothaches are the strongest, and it is most difficult to endure. When it is not possible to go to the doctor, and the medicines do not help, old-kind folk remedies come to the rescue. Rinse teeth with salt is the most popular, well-known and affordable.

How to rinse your teeth

Although the rinse of the teeth is not good, it has several subtleties that it is worth considering:

  • Before rinse, clean your teeth to get rid of food residues.
  • The solution must be warm. Hot liquid burns his mouth, and cold - only will increase the pain.
  • Rinse your mouth as often as possible, optimally - once every 2 hours, and after each meal.
  • When ringed, make focus on the sick tooth, and not on the throat or something else.
  • Even if the rinse gave the effect - consult a doctor.

With what rinse

You can rinse your teeth both with salt and mixing it with other ingredients.

Salt and soda

These substances will have in the kitchen at any hostess. They disinfected the oral cavity, thereby facilitating the pain. Even a child will cope with use:

  1. In a glass with warm water, add 1 teaspoon of soda and as much salt. If the pain is strong, salt put twice as much.
  2. Stir until the salt and soda dissolve.
  3. Rinse with a solution with a solution every two hours.


It is better to take a seaside salt. Divide 1 tablespoon of salt in a glass of water. Such a rinse can be used not only during dental pain. Salt solution will strengthen the teeth, with constant use, there will be a whitening effect, it will become good prevention of various dental diseases.

Salt and iodine

Iodine will strengthen the disinfecting action of the salt. This time on two tablespoons of salt drip a couple of yeod droplets, fill with warm water. Rinse solution is ready.

Herbs salt and decoctions

For a better effect to herbs that are used to relieve dental pain, one teaspoon of salt adds. Here are some effective recipes:

  1. Mix the train, raspberry leaves, strawberries and mint in a 1: 1: 1: 2 ratio. Fill boiling water, let cool. Strain, add 1 teaspoon of salt. Rinse the teeth with decoction 9-10 times a day.
  2. Fill with boiling water the following mixture of herbs: chamomile, sage and korovyat, taken in proportions 1: 2: 3. We give influence to cool, TSDIM, add salt and clamp as often as possible.
  3. Add a dive teaspoon of salt to a decoction from oak bark. It is preparing simply: a tablespoon of the cortex is poured with boiling water, warm 20 minutes in a water bath, then we cool with 40 minutes.
  4. In equal proportions, mix chamomile, plantain and rose petals. Such a decoction together with salt will calm the possible irritation, disinfected the oral cavity and will have an anesthetic effect.
  5. Also well combined with Aira, Linden, Hypericum.

Salt and vodka.

This method is worth using with caution. Vodka will have a disinfecting effect, but do not overdo it, otherwise you risk the skin of the mucous membrane. On 200 ml of warm water, add some vodka and a teaspoon of salt. To rinse in such a solution 2-3 times a day, combining it with other means from dental pain.

The rinse of teeth with salt can ease pain, as well as strengthen the teeth, reliably protect them from malicious bacteria. But you should not hope only for this folk remedy: if you are worried about the health of the oral cavity, see the dentist as soon as possible.

Comments leave a comment
Zoe. 22/01/2016 at 15:17

And if the tooth hurts, it is necessary to rinse, but to eat a pill painkillers and make an appointment to the doctor. The most effective method.

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    Raspberries 24/01/2016 at 16:26

    Plus. If the teeth hurt not because of the inflamed gums, it happens only to the doctor. But the gums inflamed, then you need to rinse something with therapeutic, I use the periodontalocomium. But with salt, I had it, in my mouth then such a nightmare and I want to drink.

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