Pulled the tooth than ringed

Pulled the tooth than ringed

After removal of the tooth, the resulting wreck must be rinsed for rapid healing and preventing malicious microbes. It is possible to do this with the help of pharmacy drugs or folk agents.

Pharmacies based on pharmacy

After removal of the tooth, regular rinsing is prescribed to the patient, they are also called antiseptic baths. They are manufactured on the basis of antimicrobial drugs. We give the most popular of them.

Chlorhexidine solution 0.05% water

This drug is sold in the finished form. It has a bitter taste, but there is no doubt in the effect - the chlorhexidine solution is effectively struggling with infections and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Ringed mouth they need 2-3 times a day. Another significant plus of this fund is low cost and accessibility, it is worth the drug at all inexpensively and sold in each pharmacy.


Rinse is prepared and applied according to the scheme shown in the manual. This drug will be much more expensive than the first, but it is inferior to him in the intensity of antimicrobial action. The only advantage of Mozymestina is killing herpes virus, therefore, effective in diseases associated with this virus.

Pharmaceutical rinse

Any rinsing that can be bought in a pharmacy is suitable for healing the wound after the removal of the tooth. For example, you can buy Furacilin and rinse them the well of a remote tooth after eating and at night.

Homemade rinsing recipes

For the healing of the wound after breaking the tooth, only pharmacy preparations are not necessary. If the tooth was removed not due to serious inflammation (in the presence of pus or swelling), it is possible to do with homemade recipes that are much simpler and more affordable (otherwise a doctor who has removed tooth necessarily assigns rinsing based on antibiotics).


The simplest rinse is made of familiar cooking salt. A teaspoon of salt should be diluted in a glass of warm water, the temperature of which is slightly above room. Rinse the wreck in such a solution every couple of hours or at least 2-3 times a day, and you will avoid the negative consequences of the destruction of the tooth. The usual salt has a soothing effect due to the fact that it is successfully fighting with malicious microbes.

A solution of mangartee

If there is a manganese potassium in the house, you can make a rinse and from it. Dissolve several crystals in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. Note that the solution should turn out pale pink color, otherwise it can burn the gentle mucous membrane of the mouth.

Antiseptic herbs

The natural and effective agent is to brew a tablespoon of grass with an anti-inflammatory action in a glass of boiling water. Then the decoction is filtered and rinsed with her mouth several times a day. Calendula, chamomile or sage is suitable from herbs - they are well removed swelling and unpleasant feelings, soothing and healing the wreck.

Route Rules after the removal of the tooth

The removal of the tooth is a serious intervention, so it is important to rinse your mouth after this event is correct. It is known that after removing the tooth in the mouth, the hole remains, the blood quickly fills the empty place and turns out, stopping further bleeding - it begins healing the affected area. Intensive rinse can lead to flushing a clock, then repeated bleeding can open, and the wound will be heated slower, so it is impossible to make mechanical movements during rinsing. It is not necessary to drive a rinse in the mouth there, it is worth only to hold it in the mouth for about a minute, and then turn off. Only in this case it will be really effective.

The correct rinse of the mouth after removal of the tooth will help to avoid unpleasant consequences, such as inflammation and suppuration of the remaining wrecks. Just a few minutes a day will allow you to quickly heal the resulting wreck and return to the usual life.

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