Tooth rushes how to strengthen

Tooth rushes how to strengthen

It is clear when schoolchildren change their teeth - dairy begin to catch and fall out, and grow new. But, if an adult is beginning to be tugged into teeth, this is already a problem. Noticing such a process, many begin to panic. This should not do, it is better to figure out the reason for the phenomenon, and then eliminate it. We will talk about sources about the sources of this disease, we will also get acquainted with the methods of its cure.

For whatever reason, the teeth can

Better causality of such a phenomenon than you, no one will install. After all, only you know your inclined, habits. And hence the consequences already follow. Teeth may be treated due to:

  • Frequent drinking of hot drinks, smoking;
  • Suffered injury (shock on the jaw) or night creaking teeth;
  • Disturbed taste, since the pressure on the teeth in this case is incorrect and some teeth are loosened;
  • Hormonal violations in ladies, which occurs during period, pregnancy, climax, etc.;
  • The presence of chronic pathologies: diabetes, thyroid disease, arthritis, psoriasis, exchange violation;
  • reduction of immunity;
  • Tough diet and heredity;
  • Diseases of the oral cavity: gingivitis (accumulation of plates in hard-to-reach places for cleaning teeth), periodontalosis, periodontitis, gum disease;
  • Elderly.

Massage Deaven

To restore normal blood circulation in the gums make a massage. The procedure is simple, but effectively strengthens them, and the teeth cease to catch them. You can make it using a soft toothbrush while cleaning the teeth themselves. It is enough to make circular movements on the gums within 1.5-2 minutes. It is still allowed to make a massage with an index finger. Before the process, wash your hands with soap, and your finger into the sea buckthorn oil. Massage time - two minutes.

Pharmacy drugs

If you have inflamed gums, and even besides, they are bleeding, it is necessary to go to the dentist's doctor. It is the specialist who must prescribe drugs. Whoever appeals to help, exacerbates his problem - can lose a loose tooth. Having studied the etiology of the disease, the doctor can assign to you the following drugs:

  • Ointment SalkoSeril, apply it for prevention, treatment, two or three times a year, the course - two weeks, is a good means of gum disease.
  • The tincture of therapeutic propolis, also strengthens the gum, protects the oral cavity from bacteria, is taken as a rinse agent: on 100 ml of water - ten drops of 2% of the tincture, rinse - twice a day.
  • Asepta gel is rubbed into the gum by massage movements, used to restore the gum mucosa.

Treatment of herbs

It is possible to improve the health of the gums and the condition of the teeth through folk recipes. Well established with such a problem the following drugs.

Oak bark

Buy in the pharmaceutical kiosk oak bark, take one big spoon, pour into the cup, pour boiling water there, let it stretch in a water bath for 25 minutes. Film infusion, rinse the mouth three times a day after meals.

Tea from nettle

Two small spoons of dry nettle pour the boiled water. Let it be removed for 10 35-45 minutes, straighten, heat, rinse the gum decoction every time after the meal.


Pharmacy chamomile

Make an infusion from one big spoon of chamomile flowers and two hundred fifty grams of boiling water. Again, straighten through forty minutes, slightly heat, rinse the mouth four or five times a day.

Do not ignore the problem of the chance of teeth and do not be afraid of dentists. If this happened, then go to the doctor immediately or apply the above methods to improve the gum state.

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Kate 19/11/2018 at 13:13

I also had problems with your teeth ... Not only that they were walking, so also crumbled in the literal sense of the word. Only calcium chelates from Evalar and changing the diet in favor of eggs, milk and vegetables. Now the teeth are again healthy and beautiful, which can not but rejoice)

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