How to strengthen hair at home

How to strengthen hair at home

Improper nutrition, unfavorable environment, bad habits, cold wind, severe frosts, powdering sun lead to thinness of hair, their weakening. Over time, the hair becomes not so strong, dense, begin to fall out. It is not worth to put up with this, there are several effective ways to help restore the thickness of the hair, strengthen them.

There are simple rules, the observance of which will help reduce the negative impact of various factors on the hair:

  • after using a shampoo need to wash the hair with decoction of herbs with strengthening properties (chamomile, nettle, linden, hops, burdock root, sage, oak bark);
  • dry hair must be combed in different directions, it is especially useful to do it before bedtime, using a non-metallic comb;
  • to wash the hair, soft water is best suited (boiled, rain), but should not soften it with the addition of soda;
  • do not observe unbalanced diets, the more fast, it is negatively affected by the hair;
  • sometimes wash your head without shampoo decoction of herbs, since frequent use of detergents is not recommended;
  • dry hair, missing them with a towel, apply a hairdryer, nippers are not desirable;
  • use food rich in silicon, selenium, zinc - fruits, vegetables, greens, nuts;
  • take mineral and vitamin complexes;
  • use special hair care products.

Strengthen normal hair helps such masks:

  • 1 egg, pears pulp (100 g), a couple of lemon juice drops, laying the oil to mix, apply on the hair, wash off after 20 minutes;
  • mayonnaise (2 T.L.), a broken clove of garlic mix, labeled in the roots, wash off after 2 hours, rinse the decoction of herbs;
  • 1 egg, black bread (150 g), herbal decoction to grind into the cleaner, to appreciate in the roots, hair, wash off in 20 minutes.

Masks for strengthening oily hair:

  • summaged garlic (2 heads), 1 medium bulb roll up to the casket state, apply on the roots, wrapped with a towel, rinse after 2 hours;
  • black bread cleaner (soak in herbs decoction), 1 squirrel mixed, put on the head, labeled in the roots, wash off a quarter of an hour.

Masked can also use mustard powder, honey.

To strengthen dry hair, such masks are perfect:

  • cabbage juice, honey, castor oil, aloe juice mix in equal shares (1 tbsp), labeled into the skin of the head, wash off in 10 minutes;
  • egg yolk, black bread (150 g), castor oil (1 tbsp.) Mix, rinse in the roots, wash off after 15 minutes;
  • camphor oil (2 ppm), honey (1 tbsp.
  • garlic juice (1 tbsp.), Smalts (2 tbsp.) Stir, rinse into the skin, rinse after 2 hours with shampoo, rinse herbal decoction.

Remember that the hair is needed regular care, only then they will thank you with an attractive appearance, healthy shine, silkiness and lush volume.

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Anna 04/12/2018 at 12:33.

You need to do different masks, drink vitamins, try to eat right. I also liked Shampoo Horse Fors based on oat surfactants. Hair has become much better to look and straight shone

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Tanya 24/01/2020 at 16:24

I was helped by a head massage and mask of horsepower. The loss quickly stopped, the hair began to grow even faster

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