How to brighten your hair at home

How to brighten your hair at home

Modern hair lightening agents often lead to their dryness, fragility, falling out. Chemical means cheaper - folk methods used at home.

There are a lot of hair clarification methods at home, they differ in components used, the duration of the process, as well as the influence that is on the hair and the scalp. To reduce all risks to a minimum, start pre-prepare for clarification - for 3-4 weeks:

  • do not use coloring agents;
  • do not expose your hair with chemical exposure (curling);
  • miniminate use various means for laying (varnish, gel), as well as hair dryers, iron, etc.;
  • spend a test for the quality of the result and possible side effects: on a small curl on the occipital part of the head, apply the clarifier tool, to withstand the required amount of time, wash down with running water and evaluate the result.

Lightening hydrogen peroxide:

  • wash your hair, dry them with a towel, spread out;
  • put old clothes or cover your shoulders;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide is easier to apply using a spray bottle;
  • divide the hair into a few strands and apply the peroxide to all hair alternately;
  • if you need to clarify individual strands, apply a solid with a cotton swab;
  • after 30-60 minutes, wash the hydrogen peroxide with flowing warm water;
  • apply the moisturizing air conditioner over the entire hair length for 20-30 minutes;
  • dry hair.

Features of hair lightening with hydrogen peroxide:

  • exposure time depends on the original color of the hair and the desired result, the darker hair and the lighter desired shade, the longer the impact;
  • do not use hydrogen peroxide, the concentration in which exceeds 3%;
  • to reduce side effects, it is possible to further dilute the solution with water;
  • process your hair with moisturizing regenerating air conditioning after each wash;
  • to achieve the desired result, it is possible to carry out hair treatment every day;
  • to speed up the clarification process, heat the hair with a hairdryer;
  • do not allow the solution to the eyes, on the skin, clothing;
  • do not attract children to the process;
  • under the sunlight, the clarification process occurs intensively.

Other options for mixtures and solutions, lightening hair:

  • leather juice mix with water, apply for clean hair;
  • wash the hair with shampoo with the addition of soda chopping, wash, apply honey all over the entire length, watch the film, then a towel, leave overnight;
  • dilute 8 tbsp. soda with 100 g of water and add 100 g of shampoo, wash your hair with this solution, repeat the procedure if necessary;
  • grind 1-2 pieces of the onions, Squeeze the juice and mix it with the same amount of water, apply on the hair and rinse after 1 hour, treat your hair with air conditioning. This mask helps with hair loss.

The safest method of clarification - using kefir, which does not dry hair, and additionally nourishes, speeds them with growth, restores the structure, silkiness. Two options:

  • apply kefir on dry hair, collect on the top and wrap them with a film, cover with a towel, after 2-3 hours, rinse with running water;
  • or prepare a homogeneous mixture of 50 g kefir, 2 tbsp. Cognac, 1 yolk, 30 ml of lemon juice, apply on the hair and wrap at 8 o'clock, wash up using air conditioning

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Each method has both advantages and disadvantages. Pay special attention to a possible side effect.

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