Lightening hair honey

Lightening hair honey

Almost everyone knows the beneficial properties of such a valuable product like honey. In particular, it can not only be eaten, and even with the help of this natural drug, nutritious masks make and brighten the hair. The last property of the honey is not familiar to anyone. However, some girls successfully apply honey masks for lightening hair on two or more tone. Let's learn how to brighten your hair at home at home.

Properties of honey

Women are mainly in order to become blonde, use paints that are known for their aggressive effect on the hair structure. And in the old time, natural clarifers were used for these purposes, including honey. Due to the content of proteins and enzymes, hydrogen peroxide (peroxide) is formed in the natural dye. With it, you can get bright strands. That's just for one procedure from dark brown, turn into a bright blonde will not work. You will need patience and time, it is necessary to lighten into several techniques.

How to carry out an inflammation

The clarification process is carried out in several procedures. The honey mask is laid no more often than once a week, in this order:

  • prepare the nutritional composition;
  • thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo;
  • check if you have allergies on the prepared mixture;
  • apply a natural clarifier on wet strands of hair, ranging from roots and throughout the length;
  • equally distribute the mask;
  • put on the head of a polyethylene cap so that honey does not grow up, and on top of a towel;
  • if a mask with honey, cinnamon, then there will be a burning sensation and, perhaps, even redness of the skin, so try not to rub the composition into the skin;
  • after half an hour, remove polyethylene, after that another (4-8 hours) Stay with a mask in one towel;
  • at the end, rush the head with warm water with your favorite shampoo.

Let's dry strands. Some time, the hair will smell therapeutic composition from honey.

Advantages and disadvantages of honey

If you use compounds from honey to lightening curls, then in addition to the main action, you will gain and additional effects:

  • beautiful, healthy strands;
  • hair will be strengthened, stop falling out;
  • and it is important that it is simple to apply such a method;

The disadvantages of this method can be ranked:

  • the duration of the process (the mask must be kept on the hair for a long time);
  • allergic rashes may appear;
  • it is impossible to do with top-sensitivity of the skin to honey and other components in the composition.


Consider popular mixture recipes for hair clarification.

Composition of honey with cinnamon

If honey is thick, then slightly heat it in a water bath to 39 ° C. Pour the middle of the honey, the third part of the glass of water, one and a half of the small spoons of cinnamon, a one and a half teaspoons of vegetable oil, mix thoroughly. Before use, make a sample on allergies on the wrist.


For short hair, it is enough to take two large spoons of honey and slightly oils from the buried, mix the components and apply to the curls with a special tassel for painting strands. Keep the mask all night, in the morning, wash.

Mask with air conditioning

In a glassware, mix in equal shares (two and a half spoons) air conditioning, honey, cinnamon, olive oil. Apply how it is written in the second paragraph.

So, as you can see - the use of honey hair masks for lightening hair has several advantages over the colors. Therefore, if you wish not to spoil your hair, but on the contrary - improve their condition, use the nutritional compositions from the natural healer.

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