How to clarify hair on hands

How to clarify hair on hands

Even on hot days on the street you can meet girls in clothes with long sleeves - perhaps the reason for this unwanted hair in the hands. Girls with thick and dark hair in their hands can shove their appearance and feel insecurity. But this problem, from which brunette suffer most often, is quite solved - familiarize yourself with several ways to lighten your hair on your homework in this article and forget about your complexes.

To begin with, make sure that you really need to make the hair lightening procedure. Maybe you are too pressing for your appearance, and in fact, none of others do not even notice your hair on your hands. Do not once again mock your body. But if the problem is still real, remember that there is nothing impossible and everything in your hands is the main thing, do not regret the time for your beauty. It is recommended to start the procedure in winter to the bathing season, because the skin is somewhat pale and the tan will not remain.

Before applying a means, test the skin on an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of prepared drug on the inner surface of the brush or elbow bend and hold for minutes.

Regardless of which method, from the below you, choose, keep in mind that it is best to prepare the clarifying mixture in a porcelain, ceramic or glass container - in no case use metal dishes.

Even one of the easiest ways to discolor hair on your hands is quite effective if you apply it regularly. The necessary components can be found almost in any house:

  • 30-percent solution of hydrogen peroxide;
  • water;
  • ½ teaspoon of baking soda;
  • two ampoules of liquid ammonia (the same ammonia).

Take peroxide and water in a ratio of 1: 1, all the ingredients and mix well to moisten the resulting liquid cotton pad. Promazhte their hair on the arms, but do not rub. Rinse off the drug need about an hour. Already after the first treatment hair will become lighter, and eventually the effect will only get better.

A very popular method proposes the use gidroperita. To prepare the mixture you will need:

  • gidroperit - 3 tablets;
  • ammonia - ½ teaspoon;
  • water - 1 tablespoon;
  • shaving foam or shampoo - 1-2 tablespoons.

Tablets should be peredavit on the powder and stir thoroughly with all its components. Apply the mixture on the skin with unwanted hair so that the mixture is completely covered them, and leave for somewhere for half an hour, depending on the stiffness of the hair.

Soluble powder for colds

Another option involves the use of apple cider vinegar, which can be found in almost every kitchen. It is necessary to mix it with lemon juice in a ratio of 1: 2 and spread on the hair. But there is a small disadvantage - can not only pale hair, but also the skin on the treated area.

Some girls use masks to lighten hair. One of these recipes require purchase:

  • cosmetic clay - will need 1 teaspoon;
  • 20% hydrogen peroxide;
  • ammonia - 6 drops.

The mask is left on the skin for 10 minutes, then wash off with soap and water.

You can cook and another mask - mix equal quantities and apply on the hair:

  • 1 tablespoon of 30% hydrogen peroxide;
  • the same amount of toothpaste.

It is best to select the white toothpaste without mint extract and various pellets can even children, otherwise mask can cause unpleasant burning sensation. Apply the mask on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

It can be ordered at the pharmacy preparing a special ointment, which includes:

  • perhydrol;
  • anhydrous lanolin;
  • antifebrin;
  • petrolatum.

As a result of its application hair will be more soft, thin and brittle, maybe even start a little drop.

The store buy ordinary paint to lighten hair on the head, it is possible even in the form of a cream. Be sure to read the instructions for use, and make sure that there is no dye toning effect.

If you have hypersensitive skin or there is a tendency to allergic reactions, all previous methods are not for you. You will have to turn to the colors of the chamomile, because they do not cause irritation, but besides dried colors, prepare:

  • glass of water (boiling water);
  • food film;
  • towel.

Fall very strong chamomile tea, boiling water bay half of the chamomile packaging, and let it latter for half an hour. Then apply Cashitz from the chamomile on the hair portion, turn on the hand in the food film and wrap the towel. After 2 hours, the compress can be removed. To strengthen the effect of this infusion, add the same amount of wine or apple vinegar to it and lemon pulp.


Be careful with the duration of the clarification process, as you can get a burn from the ammonic alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. If you feel a strong burning distance - stop. After the procedures, wash your hands with warm water and soap and apply bold nutrient cream with a soothing effect on the skin, even children's child.

Fill the hair on the hands at home is not at all difficult, the same methods can be discouraged by unwanted hair all over the body, for example, on the stomach or above the upper lip. In this matter, the main thing is regularness and patience. Immediately after the first session, the result if it will be, then still noticeable, but over time your efforts and hopes will be justified, you can be sure of that.

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