Lightening hair chamomile

Lightening hair chamomile

Any hair, bright and dark, can be revived using pharmacy chamomile. It is understood that their color will become more shining. It is this bright radiance that some women are called clarification, although it will not work out one chamomile alone. But in combination with other plants and chemical preparations, the chamomile will work exactly that the hair has become a couple of tones lighter.

Chamomile for light hair - enhancement of natural color

Natural blondes can make their hair with bright, air and shiny:

  • Take 2 tablespoons (with a slide) dry chamomile and boil it in one liter of water. Give the brave to cool, then strain and apply on clean wet hair. Hair wrap the polyethylene package and keep them in this form 30-40 minutes.
  • For a more intense impact of the chamomile, boil in the floor liter of water 4 tablespoons of flowers. Keep chamomile decoction on hair at least one hour.

Chamomile for light hair - gaze and fighting gray

Natural russes with daisies can be given more shine - visually it will look like hair has become lighter. Also, the infusion of chamomile in this case will help disguise the first gray hairs. For blond hair, use the second recipe from the previous point, but increase the exposure time to 2 hours. Hair additionally coil with a towel. Routeless women can make nutrient masks from chamomile, which and glitter hair will give, and the gray disguise. For a mask, take a handful of dry or two handstone of fresh chamomile flowers and pour them with olive oil (floor glass). Insist the chamomile on the oil for at least 10 days, and then apply a mask on the hair before washing. For greater effects, the oil remedy is a little warm.

Shadens Chamomile - Visible Lightening

Shades with chamomile can really clarify hair, but for this will require additional ingredients:

  1. Lightening composition with hydrogen peroxide. Take 150 g of dry daisy flowers and pour them with two glasses of vodka. Bank send to the dark storage room for 14 days. By exposure to time, strain the tincture and pour 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide into it. We treat your hair with this means and keep it to the visible lightening of strands.
  2. Lightening composition with lemon juice. Eight flashes of chamomile flowers brew in thermos - water take 300 ml. Perfoliate infusion and add 50 ml of lemon juice to it and 2 spoons of table olive oil. Next, apply the composition on your hair and keep the desired color.
  3. Lightening composition with glycerin. Bill 150 g chamomile in two glasses of boiling water. After the filtering, mix the tincture with two spoons of medical glycerol.

These compositions can also be used by rovolay women. Then you need to follow, so as not to overtake the remedy - the hair can become yellowish. Better clarification is gradually, for 5-7 procedures, and keep the lighter composition on the hair for 15-20 minutes.

Chamomile for brunettes - power only

Brunettes with the help of chamomile hair will not be brightened, if only her decoction is not mixed with a huge number of professional casing. But in this case, the hair will suffer very much and become like palable. But if you still decided to become a blonde, then read another article called "How to become a blonde from brunette". In the meantime, you did not become, use a chamomile for nutrition and hair growth. Make a mask of 125 ml of ragger chamomile, 1 raw yolk and a spoon of olive oil. Apply it on your hair 30 minutes before ordinary washing.

What chamomile to use

For any cosmetic procedures, and for hair, including only the pharmaceutical chamomile. You can buy it in Phytoaptech or in the grandmother's market. And you yourself will collect it in the field and inspire the future.

So that any hair has become bright, brilliant and visible, it is necessary to use a chamomile two or three times a week for 2-3 months. But in any case, even if you miss the next procedure, the chamomile will take care of your hair.

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