Decoction of chamomile for hair, how to cook

Decoction of chamomile for hair, how to cook

Natural remedies have a healing effect on hair and scalp. One of the most affordable and healthy herbs is a chamomile. Chamomile beams restore weakened hair and promote hair growth.

Useful action of ragger of chamomile

Chamomile has an extensive list of useful qualities:

  • It has a healing effect on damaged painted hair.
  • Heals the skin of the head from the dandruff and reduces the selection of the sebum.
  • It has paint properties on light hair.
  • Brightens dark hair and hides the gray.
  • In a complex with other nutritional ingredients, struggles with lords.

Chamomile beam recipes

Herbal decoctions are pretty quickly. Most of the time goes to insist. You can use both a purchased chamomile and self-dried.

Hair restoration

The decoction below locally affect hair problems and return to them for the same beauty and radiance:

  1. Anti-dandruff. We produce chamomile rinsing procedure 3 times a week for a month. Fill the chamomile boiling water in proportion 1:10. Inhabit the grass for an hour. I turn the infusion and rinse them clean hair. You can also use another recipe against dandruff. Fill 200 g chamomile inflorescence liter boiling water. Boiling 5 minutes, cool and filter. Before use, add a whole lemon juice with a decoction and 60 ml of olive oil.
  2. For hair growth. A decoction of a mixture of herbs will help to stimulate the hair onions. We mix 20 grams of chamomile, sage and beautiful. Fill the herbs 200 ml of boiling water. Insist a mixture of 30 minutes. Fix and rub the decoction in the roots. Dry hair naturally.
  3. Herbal hair health. A decoction of several herbs accelerate hair growth and helps get rid of dandruff. Mix equal amounts chamomile, lavender and calendula. Fill hot water and grass give brew. Strain broth and rinse their hair washed.

Hair coloring

Chamomile has a rich golden color that can change the color of your hair:

  1. Lightening hair. To lighten dark hair chamomile need to carry out the procedure several times. If you have not used chamomile to change the hair color, the first procedure can be performed with fewer ingredients. To see what effect will chamomile, pour 60 g inflorescences liter of water. Simmer 10 minutes. Cool and strain means. Add to broth juice from half a lemon. Apply the product to damp hair. Dry without using hair dryer. To make a stronger effect decoction of 250 g of camomile. And cooking length increase to 20 minutes.
  2. To dull hair. Broth will buy the hair a natural shine golden. Take 60 g of dried camomile and fill to 400 ml of boiling water. Put on low heat and cook for 2 minutes. Let cool the broth and filter. Rinse decoction of hair after shampooing.
  3. Against gray hair. To combat the brewed daisy gray in proportion 1: 3. We insist in a thermos about 4 hours. Strain the infusion and put on damp hair on the strands. Wraps his head with polyethylene and zamatyvaem top with a towel. We hold an hour and wash off. It is better to dry your hair without a hair drier.

Rinsing the hair decoction of chamomile has no contraindications and is suitable to any type of hair. Repeated use of the funds will help the hair stay strong and healthy for a long time.

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