How to become a blonde from brunette

How to become a blonde from brunette

A desire to somehow change at least once in life visits almost every woman. When there is no mood, we go to the hairdresser, make a new hairstyle, and now it turns out, not so bad. And if you still approach the radical and brunette to turn into a blonde, then you will not immediately recognize not only familiar, but you yourself will open on the other side. Seeing previously insoluble, problems will seem like small troubles, in general, you are ready for a new life.

A blonde can become a brunette easily, but a natural brunette turn into a blonde is not so easy. If the hair is thick, then it will be possible to clarify them not for 1 session, but for 3-4. In addition, the use of clarifiers does not most affect hair. The skin on the head annoyed, perhaps even dandruff appears, and the hairs will begin to fall out. And these seed tips! It also happens that the skin does not tolerate clarifying drugs.

For losses from turning brunette in the blonde, follow the rules:

  • First, no cheap reagents. They are hopelessly spoil your hair, and they will look like a urine. Buy preparations that use professionals.
  • Secondly, the test. The most tender skin on the bending of the elbow, so apply a little means that are going to lighten the hair. If there is a slightly burning, and there is no redness, then the change of image is not contraindicated for you. When the burning is strong, the skin is blushing - it is not worth risking, better contact the master, and he will pick something more suitable.
  • Thirdly, before the intended transformation, do not wash your head at least a day 3. During this time, the skin on the head and hair will become fat, and the effect of staining will be the best.


There is a way fast, but for hair is not quite safe:

  1. First, the hair is slightly lit by applying peroxide or other clarifying substances. They are applied carefully, so as not to harm.
  2. Getting rid of natural pigment, proceed directly to the staining process. At the same time, start with the nape, first of all apply paint on the roots and look out for 10 minutes. Then paint your hair along the entire length.
  3. When the time passed in the instructions, wash your head using shampoo and rinse balm.

After the disclightening procedure, hair needs additional nutrition. Make such a mask for them:

  • Take olive oil and warm up.
  • Mix it with vitamin E in capsules.
  • Wrap the mixture into the hair and leave for 5 minutes, and then rinse under the jet of warm running water. So you warn the fragility of the tips.

The second method is a gradual clarification, not at one reception. The result is achieved after multiply repeated procedures. In this case, each time the hair becomes lighter by 1-2 tones. So continues until the color becomes how you wanted. The interval between procedures should be at least 3 weeks. Paint for this choose from the same manufacturer.

If you are a genuine brunette, then instead of a blonde you can become red, or on the hair, weighing a few tones, a yellowness will appear. In this case, the procedure is repeated again 3-4 to the complete disappearance of the yellowness.

When you finally became a blonde, remember - free of hair requires special care. Buy yourself a suitable shampoo and balm to it. In order for the hair to appear natural shine, rinse them with a chamomile decoction with the addition of lemon juice. Dry your curls with a soft terry towel, combing the comb shaken from the tree, and use the hairdryer only in case of extreme need.

Do not forget that now your hair is special. Take care of them, do not be lazy to care for them, then the admiring views of men and the envious of women are provided.

Comments leave a comment
Anna 24/01/2020 at 0:44.

Blonde is much more complicated. Then you need a special hair care. I buy shampoo for blondes horsepower to eliminate yellowness and restore hair


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