How to get rid of yellow hair

How to get rid of yellow hair

A terrible dream for every blonde - to see in the mirror instead of a pure platinum color - a chicken yellow shade. Many face like this every month - perfectly smooth white suddenly acquires an unsightly shade of yellowness. To be a blonde hard work - in addition to regular staining, they are in constant struggle with the manifest yellow. Why it happens and how to cope with the hated yellowness, you will learn from this material.

Why yellow hair?

Not always a yellow shade in her hair, the result of unsuccessful staining. It often happens like that - leaving the salon with an ideal blond you notice a couple of weeks that your curls have become treacherously shroud. This can occur for two reasons:

  • the discolored hair seek to return their own pigmentation and fill the missing keratin, which has a natural yellow color.
  • copper particles dissolved in tap water, "stuck" in clarified porous hair.

How to get rid of yellow hair during staining?

Professional hairdressers have in their arsenal several secrets of obtaining "perfect blonde". If you want to achieve an ideal light shade at home, then follow the following rules:

  • before applying clarifying paints on her hair should not be any means for styling. To avoid color distortion and achieve uniform staining - all mousses, gels and varnishes should be washed.
  • if you like stranded strands or brighten your head completely with a special powder, do not forget to tint the clarified hair (strands), by this you fill the hair with the missing keratin and achieve a beautiful cold shade.
  • do not use a high% oxygen when bleaching by powder. The clarifying emulsion is 9% and 12% is used in special cases, more often for gray-type gray and hair, in other cases it can lead to "baking" pigment. Carefully learn the instructions and choose an oxygen no higher than 6%.
  • choose the right paint. Do not look at the picture on the box with the dye. Pay attention to the numbers and the name of the color. So, all the "honey", "golden" and "caramel" shades will start yellowing faster than cold colors.
  • correct the paint. Professional masters there is a "gold" rule when staining blondes - first of all the "cold zone" - the back of the head and the edge line of hair growth, after the study of this zone, you can go to staining the warm rated area. So you will get a smooth coating without spots and yellowness.

How to get rid of the yellowness of the hair after staining?

Even if you have done on your hair "Tint of Dreams", then after a couple of weeks it will begin treacherously shroud. Good quality blond should be maintained between staining. For this, special shades have been created, helping to fight an unattractive yellow tint.

  • Shada shampoos. Professional products designed specifically for blondes can be produced in three color variations: purple, blue or pink. Of course, each manufacturer seeks to use unique names - "pearl", "violet" and so on. Pay attention to the enhanced pigment shampoo. Unscrew the jar cover and look inside. If the shampoo has a strengthened blue color - then on very light hair with a small amount of yellow color, color can be too intense and even greenish. For slightly yellow blondes worth buying a sample shampoo with a predominance of purple pigment.

Important! Properly apply a shade shampoo - first foam a small amount in your hands and distribute the hair as quickly as possible. For the first use, you should not keep shampoo for a long time - enough 1-2 minutes.

  • Tint balsams and tonic. This budget option is suitable for those who are not afraid of intense bright colors and does not suffer from dry tips. The fact is that in such tonic you can observe a large amount of heavy metals impurities. If healthy hair does not notice a negative impact from such a "care", then on damaged hair, the ends will dry out even more and simply begin to rush.
  • Folk remedies. If you decide to entrust the preservation of your color masks from natural and natural ingredients, remember the main rule - a good result will be noticeable after regular use: you can try the honey mask, for this dispense the honey-heated in the water bath, hard on the hair length and leave under Warm towel for a couple of hours. This mask effectively retains color on painted hair, strengthens them and gives a healthy shine.

Prevent the appearance of yellowness is best at the initial stage. The constant use of both professional and folk remedies will help in an effective fight against an undesirable tint. And good care will make hair with strong, healthy and shiny.

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Anna 12/23/2019 at 12:06.

In the pharmacy for sale Shampoo Horse Force for blondes. After it does not remain any yellowness, the hair acquire a beautiful pearlescent shade

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Sasha 21/01/2020 at 17:50

They also have a sharp mask in this series. I use everything in the complex and the result is very pleased

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