How to stop hair loss

How to stop hair loss

Beautiful lush hair decorates not only women but also men. It's a shame only that boasts thick healthy hair lucky not for everyone. If you are terrified of the type of comb to her hair stuck in tufts, then this article is for you. Consult the special doctor trichologist, it does not always work. Fortunately, the problem is solved in an elementary home.

First of all pay attention to your shampoo. Read the part on the label. If there was not sodium lauryl sulfate, replace tool. This aggressive substance that shows a negative impact on the health of hair and scalp.

Mask egg yolks. Whisk whisk in a blender or two egg yolks, two tablespoons of honey fresh, 15 ml of burdock oil and brandy. In a water bath heat the facility to about 30-35 degrees and apply to wet hair. Head wrap towel, and an hour later wash.

Masks from dairy products well saturate the roots of vitamin B and calcium. Mix one egg yolk, a cup of yogurt and a pinch of dry mustard. The resulting mush rub into the hair roots and leave for half an hour under a warm scarf. Mustard is the greenhouse gas that contributes to the improvement of blood circulation. Then dilute the apple cider vinegar and water rinse head.

Salt peeling. Look for the kitchen two tablespoons of finely ground salt or advance purchase sea salt with iodine. Dilute it with the same amount of ordinary water. If you have dry hair, sneaky burdock or linseed oil. For oily hair use some lemon juice. Cocktails massaged apply on damaged hair and epidermis. After 10 minutes, rinse means conventional shampoo. After this procedure easier to dead cells are removed, restored hair follicles and even dandruff disappears.

Mask from henna. Do not be afraid, there is a henna without coloring pigment. Just split the powder with warm water, moisten the hair and wrap their towel for an hour. Henna has an antibacterial effect, normalizes metabolic processes, makes hair smooth. It is not recommended to use it very often.

Learn a long time and combed it. Do this comb with wide teeth with circular motions in different directions. At the same time massage the scalp.

Do not try all the masks at the same time. They are made 1-2 times a week. The treatment cycle consists of 10-12 sessions. Only then appreciate the effect.

How-correct-wash hair

Hair care is a long and painstaking deal. The result will depend only on your desire and perseverance. During treatment, support the body with vitamin complexes.

Comments leave a comment
Olga 10/20/2015 at 9:00

I will add a spoonful of the fly, in a barrel of honey .... If there was a hormone-haired problem, or a self-associated metabolism, no masks unfortunately help, you need to put the body in order. And the masks will help in the event of a shortage of food with hair, or as an additional care. For example, for six months, it completely got rid of hair loss with the help of Rinfolutyl silex, shampoo and lotion, and once a week made masks from the mustard. Hardware improves blood circulation, and there are Berries of dwarf palm trees, they are struggling with hair loss.


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