Fall out hair after childbirth what to do

Fall out hair after childbirth what to do

The pregnancy and birth of a child is a period in the life of a woman, filled with not only positive emotions, but also stress for the body. At first he gives strength to the development of the baby in the womb, then he experiences childbirth, lactation, sleepless nights of a crib. It is not surprising that the accumulation of all these factors causes a rather negative reaction in the feminine, often manifested in the form of strong hair loss. Why this happens and how to deal with it - tell me further.

Causes of hair loss after childbirth

Doctors explain the enhanced hair loss immediately after childbirth and during lactation by many reasons.

The most weighty - several:

  • Sharp change of hormonal background. In the body of a woman at this time, the level of estrogen is significantly reduced - the so-called female hormones, which are largely responsible for the condition of hair and skin.
  • Postpartum stress, fatigue and lack of sleep. First, the female organism works over the fetal tooling, then he experiences pain shock during childbirth. Immediately after that, the new mother, without having restored from the experience, rushes into a mistlethere to kid, accompanied by sleepless nights.
  • Lack of vitamins and trace elements. As a rule, during feeding the breast milk, the diet of the woman is very limited, since the slightest liberty in the mother's nutrition immediately responds to the child's health. As a result, a shortage of beneficial substances that are responsible for both hair growth occurs.

How to Stop Launch

If the woman does not sleep and do not start to pay a little time, she risks until the end of the life to pass in the wig:

  • The first thing to be done is to balance meals. Build your diet so that it has enough products rich in iron and calcium. It is these trace elements that are building material for beautiful chapels.
  • Contact your doctor to assign vitamins that will be useful to you and safe for your child.
  • Try to build such a day of the day so that you have enough time to sleep. Feel free to attract relatives and loved ones.
  • Stop using a hairdryer, iron, to make curls, to still not be injured weakened hair.

Salon hair strengthening procedures

Extremely effective in the fight against hair loss massage of the scalp. It allows you to improve blood flow to hair bulbs, as a result of which they receive more nutrients. A good result gives mesotherapy. This is a procedure, during which special homeopathic vitamin cocktails are introduced into the skin under the hair, actively enriching the bulboys by all the elements necessary for good growth.

Home firming care

It is also very important to organize the right home care. Refuse metal oscillations, pick up a wooden or genuine bristle that does not injure the surface of the hair. Pick the shampoo and balsam with the maximum content of natural components. Try to always finish the wash of the head rinsing with the help of ragger nettle or chamomile. Take the rule twice a week to make firming masks. One of the most efficient - mask of mustard with top oil. For her preparation you need to mix 2 teaspoons of mustard powder with 2 tablespoons of friction oil. The mixture should be kept on your head at least half an hour.

If you, during removing all the factors mentioned above, and start a little attention to pay yourself - very soon you can be proud of our luxurious hair again.

Comments leave a comment
Darina 10/11/2015 at 8:04.

Hair loss after childbirth is associated with hormonal disorders, a splash occurred, and therefore the hair is rebellious. It is necessary to take patience and wait, everything will come to normal over time. And until you can buy Rinfolyl Silex in the pharmacy, to treat hair loss, so as not to rip the body with tablets. Rinfolil contains a lot of herbs, and silicon, and no harm will bring.

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Anna 23/11/2018 at 14:42.

Not always the hair falls out due to hormones. I passed all the tests and everything was perfect for me, and my hair climbed. And doctors could not really say because of what. I had to escape the head and ultra-strengthening mask Horse Fors. And in a month the hair stopped falling

To answer
Tanya 21/01/2020 at 17:54

I was saved by Shampoo Horse Fors based on oat surfactants. All the same, there are so many plant extracts that strengthen their hair and stimulate their growth. And on themselves the hair looks after him much better

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