The hair is confused what to do

The hair is confused what to do

Long hair can get confused for different reasons - it is swimming without a hat, a strong wind, styling with a withering and varnish, restless sleep, wrong care. If you are ready to take up the scissors - do not hurry. There are ways to cope with any node on the hair, without even damaging them.

Basic recommendations when removing a confusing node

The basis of success when unraveling hair beam is your patience and accuracy. Depending on the complexity of the node, the process may take a long time - up to several hours.

Adhere to the following recommendations when unlocking hair:

  • The procedure must be started from the tips, gradually moving towards the roots. Very gently release the hairs from the knot with your hands, strand for strands. At the very beginning of the process, it is better not to resort to the use of combs.
  • If a confused beam is very large, divide it into several strands and proceed to gradually unraveling smaller nodules.
  • Do not pull behind strands, act neat, otherwise you will break the hair or damage their structure.
  • With small nodes, you can use a wooden crest with rare teeth or a brush with natural bristles. Holding to strand, comb your hair, gradually moving upwards.
  • Pose when unwinding also matters. It is best to carry out the procedure sitting, tilting the head down.

Procedure for the disposal of koltun

It is not so difficult to unattrate the node in the hair as it seems. Adhere to the next algorithm of action - and you will handle the problem that has arisen, spending the smallest amount of time and without damaging the hair:

  • Wash your hair with your shampoo without combing them. During the procedure, the hair must remain wet.
  • Mix the air conditioner for hair with a small amount of water in the bowl, add a few drops of olive or any other vegetable oil. Pour into the pulverizer and thoroughly moisten the node by this composition.
  • Wait 5 minutes and proceed to the release of confused by strands or comb.
  • In the absence of a pulverizer, apply a mask or hair balm node and leave for 15 minutes. Try to unravel the chipped hands.
  • When all the strands are rapidly, spread the hair and rinse the remedy with warm water.

Use only verified, high-quality air conditioners, masks or hair balms. They must create a slip effect, make hair smooth and moistened. If your hair is entangled on a round brush - abundantly lubricate it with oil or sprinkle with a cooked composition of the spray and gradually pull the strands. Do not hurry - wet hair is easier to damage, be very neat during the procedure.


If the problem of confused hair worries you quite often, it is possible to pay further attention to the curls and adjust the daily care procedure:

  • Successful and brittle strands are prone to confonse, so regularly use masks, balsams or air conditioners to restore and improve hair structure.
  • Combing your hair during the day. To prevent the formation of nodes, it is not enough to hold a comb in the morning and in the evening. However, the abuse of frequent combing is also not worth it, the hair can break, which will lead to the formation of split tips.
  • Make your hair into a braid or bundle. Do not leave them out on the night, wear a hat when swimming in open water bodies, challenge your hair during sports.
  • As you can easily use the hairdryer, better dry your hair naturally.

Carefully unravel the knot in the hair quite real at home, the main thing is not to be nervous, do not tear the strands of the comb and do not rush. If you have very long hair, the node is big and you understand that you can not cope - go to the hairdresser or call a specialist at home. A professional will neatly discern your curls and keep their health.

Comments leave a comment
Kristina 12/23/12 at 12:12.

My hair is constantly confused. Therefore, after washing the head, I nano serum resuscitator Horsa Fors. He smoothes his hair, gives them shine, they stop being confused

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Pauline 21/01/2020 at 17:56.

Previously, the hair was also fused easily and resuscitator Horse Force helped. The hair becomes as if after lamination. I really like the effect after this nonsense

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