Why female hair fall out

Why female hair fall out

Every day we fall to 100 volosin - this is normal and natural. If the hair falls more initially need to find out the reason.

Often, the hair falls out due to physical or emotional stress. When the stress we are exposed to on a regular basis, the vessels are narrowed, squeezing the root, he is deprived of normal blood flow and as a consequence - weakens and falls. Lack of sleep - the direct source of stress. It is advisable to give yourself enough rest and hair. Herbal teas will help to calm down, and hot tub of mint and chamomile helps to relax.

Hair can fall due to a weak immune system. Women often have hair fall out after the birth of the child. Also cause baldness could become cold. Should consult a doctor, but he may advise the necessary medicines for recovery. Strengthen health nutrition and sports.

Hair loss may be due to a change in the nature of the temperature when we go bareheaded in the hot sun or in the cold winter. Use balms, paint the less and try not to blow-dry.

Recipes masks:

  1. Before washing, the head need to rub the mixture of burdock oil with alcohol. alcohol to oil ratio of 1/1.
  2. Castor oil + onion juice + egg yolk. Apply on hair for 30-40 minutes before washing the head, cover the bag and top Wrap the towel.
  3. Add the orange peel in warm water and let it brew for a few hours. Then rinse the hair in the water.

The reason may be the lack of vitamins, especially noticeably during the spring beriberi. Of the vitamins and minerals are burned alcohol and smoking. Eat more fruits and vegetables and diet supplement with trace elements.

Some medications have side effects, for example, affect the scalp, leading to hair loss. The instructions indicate the possible consequences. After termination of their admission hair restored.

Lack of iron can provoke hair loss. It occurs due to regular blood loss - monthly or unbalanced diets. Sleepiness, constant weakness - signals lack of iron. Replenish iron: liver, fish, beef, eggs, buckwheat porridge, pomegranate juice.

The inner state of the body or allergies can excite the diseases of the scalp. For example, dermatitis. To establish a reason, consult a doctor, neither balsams or masks will not help here until the infection is cured.

Baldness can be caused by impaired hormone balance in the body. Output of testosterone, impaired endocrine system, diabetes - causes of hair loss. Only an endocrinologist can advise you, what medications need to be attached to save you from the problem.


The causes of hair loss are different, the best way out is to consult a doctor, because it can signals of serious violations in the body. Self-medication can harm even more. Take care of your health!

Comments leave a comment
Nina 10/20/2015 at 8:55.

Hair can fall out for various reasons, it is the wrong care, and genetic predisposition, and internal problems in the body, and even how we are mine and having fun, it has a lot of importance. I could not understand the reason for my hair loss for a long time, While the trichologist did not reveal the reason, genetic predisposition to early baldness. But the treatment was appointed, I helped me shampoo and ampoules Rinfolyl Silex for the treatment of hair loss. As part of some miracle-berries of the dwarf palm tree, they make it possible to cure hair loss.

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Tanya 28/11/2018 at 14:28

My hair fell out after childbirth. I drank vitamins, made a mask ultra strengthening Horse Fors and eaten more seafood. A month later the hair stopped falling

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Sasha 24/01/2020 at 16:01

Each autumn hair began to fall out until I started making a horsepower mask. In it, there is an extract from pepper, which just strengthens the hair and stimulates their growth

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