Hair Growth Vitamins

Hair Growth Vitamins

Vitamins solve hair problems from the inside. You can apply various care products for a long time, but the problem will still not be solved properly. To restore hair health, first of all it is necessary to fill the lack of useful substances.

Vitamin A. accelerates hair growth, and also makes them elastic and shiny. With a shortage of vitamin and hair becomes brittle and dull. Dandruff may occur. Carrots, broccoli, greenery, pumpkin, apricot, butter will help to fill it in the shortage. It is in these products that contain the highest amount of vitamin A.

Vitamins of Group V. Vitamin B2 restores the hair structure and speeds up their growth. Vitamin B3 warns the occurrence of seeds. Vitamin B6 takes care of the scalp and eliminates dandruff. For extreme hair growth, vitamins B9 and B10 are needed. The list of products in which these vitamins are simply huge. Each of them in any quantity is contained in meat, soy, fermented milk products, vegetables, fruits, greenery, croups, nuts, bread and potatoes. It seems that all vitamins can be obtained from a daily diet, but unfortunately many products have become strongly handled, so the availability of useful substances in them are very doubtful. It is recommended to take high-quality vitamins in the form of pharmacy preparations or biologically active additives.

Vitamin E, biotin and calcium. If the hair began to fall badly and grow badly, the body indicates the acute shortage of Vitamin E. It is he who is responsible for strengthening and nutrition of hair bulbs. It is contained in parsley, nuts, tomatoes, beans, spinach, as well as vegetable and creamy oils. The lack of biotin also leads to the loss of a large amount of hair. The high percentage of its content is in oysters, beans, carrots, soy flour, liver, cauliflower, fish, bananas, egg yolks, yeast. It was found that the hair begins to fall badly and with a calcium deficiency.

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Folic acid. It is very important to maintain hair health. It contributes to their growth, restores the structure and makes them more dense. Located in vegetables with green leaves, nuts, whole grain bread, peas.

Iron. Because of his lack, the hair begin to fill up, sneeze and fall out. The useful element is located in meat, dried fruits, wheat.

Sulfur and silicon. The collagen is synthesized, which forms the basis of the skin, bones, nails, hair, etc. These elements give the hair and elasticity. The sulfur is mainly in egg yolks, beans, onions, garlic, meat, seafood, asparagus, sunflower seeds, and silicon - in root crops, crude cereal products and chickens.

Zinc. Regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, so it is especially important for people with oily skin of the head. It is contained in the liver, beef, seafood, carrots, bran, nuts, grain zagazy, peas, oatmeal.

Selenium. Accelerates cell growth and hair. It is only in mushrooms, so the sulfur is preferable to acquire separately.

The most popular complex vitamins for hair are "Revalide", "Perfectyl", "Alphabet", "Aurita". They contain many useful substances and amino acids to accelerate the growth and health of nails and hair. You can purchase another drug, but do not forget to make sure the manufacturer's reliability. On the official website there must be certificates and quality standards. Before applying, do not forget to carefully examine the instructions.

As you can see, it is impossible to restrict one vitamin. In order for the hair to be healthy and well grew, the body should receive a whole range of useful substances. Taking a huge amount of products every day simply will not work, therefore it is preferable to acquire them in a comprehensive form.

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Anna 02/28/2018 at 14:25

In addition to food, I also bought myself a shampoo of Horse Fors based on oat surfactants, which stimulates hair growth, and the head massage did. The hair began to grow for 1 cm faster

Nina 14/11/2019 at 10:57

All my life dreamed of long hair and did not manage to fulfill your dream for a long time ... two months ago went to the trichologist. I advised me to take marine collagen (Evalarovsky, because he and the dosage is good and the form bioavailable) and Vitamin D additionally. What better helped, I do not know, but already +10 cm ... it's right an achievement))

Pauline 24/01/2020 at 15:57

I use regular pharmacy mask horsepower. With her hair grow much faster and plus they become shiny


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