Vitamins with varicose veins

Vitamins with varicose veins

As a result of an improper lifestyle, blood vessels are damaged, and the influx of blood becomes weak, which leads to varicose veins or other problems with blood circulation. In addition to common therapyIt is very important to saturate the organism with the necessary nutrients. This will help bring the bloodstream in order and prevent its violations in the future.

Vitamin therapy in the treatment of varicose

With varicose veins, it is necessary to use vitamins that improve the operation of blood vessels and blood indicators. Consider them in order.

Vitamin B1.

Restores broken blood circulation. When the lack of this element, weakness in the muscles, the edema of the limbs and the loss of their sensitivity occur. Most of all vitamin B1 is contained in the liver, beer yeast and sprouted wheat beans.

Vitamin B5.

This ingredient is involved in the processes associated with the formation of blood cells. As a result of its lack, spasms arise in the legs, which is fraught with inflammation of the veins and the appearance of problems in the nervous system. Vitamin B5 is found in hazelnut, cauliflower, legumes, greenery, salad, eggs, grain crops, liver, kidneys, milk.

Vitamin B9.

It normalizes the processes of blood formation, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood and supplies it with oxygen. Vitamin B9 also purifies vessels from cholesterol plaques and derives extra cholesterol from the body. A large amount of this component is contained in fresh green leaves, so the various infusions and greens are relevant. It is also contained in tomatoes, cabbage, bows, cucumbers, legumes, oats, pumpkins, beets, carrots, melons, oranges, and.

Vitamin C

None of the processes in the body are carried out without the participation of Vitamin C. It helps to strengthen blood vessels and supplies the body with iron - a vital element for blood. Valuable vitamin is located in most fruits, vegetables and herbs. The main sources of its content are the fruits of rosehip, citrus, kiwi, red pepper, black currant, onions, leaf vegetables.

Vitamin C

Vitamin D.

Recently it was revealed that Vitamin D strengthens the vessels and retains their elasticity. It is contained mainly in dairy products and low-fat fish. It is worth noting that the body receives vitamin D predominantly from the sun's rays, but in winter the sun is not so much, so it is recommended to fill it with a shortage.

Vitamin E.

In addition to the large number of useful properties, Vitamin E reduces the permeability of capillaries, normalizes the circulation and blood coagulation, saturates with oxygen, eliminates the feet cramps. "Vitamin youth" is contained in almonds, wheat, beans, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, eggs, and lentils, peas, liver, as well as olive and corn oil.

Vitamin K.

It is the most relevant vitamin with a failure in the circulatory system. It regulates blood clotting, correctly distributes it and promotes good circulation. Most of the valuable element is contained in different types of cabbage, salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, rowan berries, spinage, carrots, potatoes. It is also in a pumpkin, kiwi, bananas, olive and soybean oil.

Vitamin R.

Makes the vascular walls more elastic and strengthens them. Also Vitamin P fixes pain and reduces inflammatory processes. The most element is contained in citrus, apricots, grapes, salad, chili, buckwheat, black rowan, black currant, spherical root, black chocolate, as well as tea, coffee, beer and wine.

Microelements for the treatment of varicose

Microelements are very important in combating varicose veins. As a result of their lack, the work of absolutely all organism systems is disturbed, which leads to the emergence of various diseases. Varicosis is no exception. It is important to make it important to fill the shortage of iron, iodine, silicon, copper and zinc. These elements are responsible for normal blood circulation, the flow of oxygen into the blood, the metabolism in the walls of the vessels, etc.

Proper nutrition is an important point in the treatment of any disease. The presence of the necessary nutrients contributes to the speedy recovery and excellent well-being. To prevent the appearance of varicose veins, follow all the recommendations of the doctor and use vitamin and mineral complexes from time to time.

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Hannah 11/10/2021 at 14:38

First of all, of course, you need to follow the state of the vessels, because it all occurs from this .. and abundant drinking mode is important. As for the vitamins I can advise the ice formula more than multivitamins. There for sausages and hearts just eat Rutin and Quercetin, plus there is a strengthening of immunity (vitamin D, C and zinc). All women are useful to drink courses.

To answer
hannah 11/10/2021 at 14:39

First of all, of course, you need to follow the state of the vessels, because it all occurs from this .. and abundant drinking mode is important. As for the vitamins I can advise the ice formula more than multivitamins. There for sausages and hearts just eat Rutin and Quercetin, plus there is a strengthening of immunity (vitamin D, C and zinc). All women are useful to drink courses ..

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