Vitamins for the heart

Vitamins for the heart

When the heart works fine, it is usually not remembered. For help addressed when unpleasant symptoms appear. It is wrong, about the heart muscle you should care constantly, then it will not be hurt. Good prevention - vitamins for the heart.

To provide your heart with a healing elixir, it is not necessary to go to the pharmacy. Take at least Vitamin C. located in tomatoes, pepper Bulgarian, sorrel, onion green, citrus, black currant, rosehip, apples, cabbage, etc. At the pharmacy, this vitamin antioxidant is called ascorbic acid and sold in the form of tablets, ampoules or dragee. It is processed very quickly, therefore, it takes 50-120 mg replenishment daily, and for kids 30-75 mg.

Reliable protection of arteries creates vitamin A, known as Retinol. Much of it in the milk derivatives, in the yolk, fruits, vegetables of leafy dark color, as well as in carrots, fish oil. Vitamin A fat-soluble and 1st of generally discovered vitamins. In pharmacies, it is represented as Retinol acetate and palmitate.

Strengthens capillaries, knocks down high pressure, negatively affecting the work of the heart, tocopherol or vitamin E. The lack of changes in the heart muscle, but undesirable and excess, leading to blood pressure jumps, disorders in the work of the kidneys. Many vitamin E contain cold spin vegetable oils:

  • sunflower;
  • cotton;
  • olive;
  • corn;
  • soy.

Used tocopherol and in the form of a food additive: E-307, E-308, E-309. To feel good, take 8-10 mg of this fat-soluble vitamin per day. The child needs less - from 5 to 7 ml.

To strengthen the walls of the vessels, it is necessary to take water-soluble vitamin P or rutin, first isolated from lemon zest. It is present in apples, raspberries, citrus, apricots, grapes, buckwheat, pepper. If it is not enough, a person is quickly tired, but an excess of this vitamin is practically no happening. Due to the routine, blood vessels are heated, become more elastic.

Vitamin R-Digidrocivercetin

Life-soluble vitamin F, called polyunsaturated fatty acids, a person gets out of food or in the form of an omega-3 additive. Includes this group of acids as follows:

  • arachidone;
  • linolenic;
  • linolevoy.

Vitamin F is very important to prevent thrombus formation. He also reduces cholesterol. If the polyunsaturated fatty acids are normal, then you do not threaten atherosclerosis. In general, Vitamin F improves the work of the cardiovascular system, and its deficit is accompanied by heart disease. Therefore, it is necessary to consume vegetable oils rich in vitamin F:

  • poppy;
  • linen;
  • hemp;
  • fish fat.

Useful in this regard and dried fruits, avocado, almonds, peanuts.

It is capable of stimulating the reduction in the muscles of the heart vitamin B1 or thiamine. It refers to a group of water-soluble vitamins. It is released in ampoules, and as for the products, it is in asparagus, spinach, green peas, sunflower seeds, Brussels cabbage, mushrooms, eggplants, tuna. In smaller quantities, it is still present in watermelons, mustard, beans, sesame, broccoli.

For good heart work, a normal fatal exchange is important. Pyridoxin helps him (Vitamin B6). Get B6, use meat, fish, milk. Release pyridoxine in tablets, powder and ampoules. Before starting the reception of vitamin B, it is better to go for consultation to the doctor, since allergic and other side effects are possible.

There is still such vitamin for the heart as Q10. In case it is not enough, arrhythmia may be observed, myocardium will begin to grow prematurely. The source of it is vegetable fats. You can buy in tablets.

It suggests a conclusion: so that the heart does not resemble themselves pain, take care of him. Fucking normally, correctly feeding, not nervous, engaged in physical education and regularly taking vitamins, you will allow it for a long time.

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Dmitriy 06/15/2018 at 7:41.

Thanks for the useful article)) Personally, I well helps to keep heart health cardioactive + linseed oil. I do not know what it best works out of it, but I don't accept anything more, but there is nothing more effectively suffering from high pressure, and now I don't remember it for about six months)


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