What to choose vitamins

What to choose vitamins

For the normal functioning of the human body, it is necessary to have a certain number of vitamins. If in the season of fresh fruits and vegetables to provide a full-fledged vitamin diet to the body is quite simple, then in the cold seasons, when not only vitamins, but also the sun rays, the necessary vitamin standards help drugs in pharmacies. A wide range can be misleading anything applicable, so before buying it is necessary to familiarize yourself with a small instruction for their use.

First, it is worth remembering that the vitamins offered in the pharmacy are not drugs, but dietary supplements (biologically active additives). Their main purpose is not to be treated, but to complement the body with the necessary elements. Secondly, in order for consumed vitamins to benefit, it is worth distributing vitamins to the age group (children, adults up to 45-50 years and older), targeted orpower (vision or joints), other categories (pregnancy, feeding period).

There is a medium-daily rate of consumption of vitamins, which is determined by the Ministry of Health, which is determined separately for men, women of different ages, as well as for children. Based on this norm, it is worth selecting the vitamins you need. The use of most vitamins individually can bring more harm than good. Therefore, if the main task is to feed your body with the missing elements, then you need to buy a multivitamin complex, which is not included in the composition of non-vitamins, but polyvitamins. Below is attached to familiarize the table of the average daily rate of trace elements, which can be compared with any vitamin preparation.


Single consumption of vitamins is possible only if the results of the analyzes showed a deficit of a certain vitamin. But still, even by the doctor's prescription, the vitamins are dangerous separately, since they are either not absorbed by the body, or do not dissolve. Therefore, any vitamin needs an assistant, which is better to ask the doctor in advance. Microelements (iron, zinc, iodine, potassium and others) can be performed as assistants, so when choosing also pay attention to their presence in the composition of the polyvitamin drug.

It is impossible to understand how effective those or other multivitamin complexes are impossible because they help the body function in normal rhythm. Rather, it is easier to notice the absence of vitamins that affects the general condition leading to weakness and constant fatigue. However, it is not necessary to diagnose the "lack of vitamins" on their own, make sure that such symptoms are not signs of any other disease and only then feel free to go to the pharmacy, where your attention should attract the composition of multivitamin drugs.

Unfortunately, modern living conditions often lead to a shortage of vitamins and trace elements, and if you have not paid attention for a long time, this shortage can lead to more serious diseases. An integrated approach to this problem will help to remain in a tone and not to notice the problems arising from the lack of necessary vitamins. Timely prevention is the most correct approach to this problem, and you should not postpone it for later when it will be too late to beat the alarm.

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Elizabeth 30/11/2018 at 0:38.

When I was pregnant, I remember so much time spent to choose a vitamins. Well, naturally with the discussion of the doctor, not self-examination, do not worry)) the choice was stopped at the Finnish vitamins Minisan Mom. I really liked, I hope my post will be useful!

To answer
Lisa 05/03/2020 at 7:43.

It is very important to focus on age, of course. Itself, here before Klimaks took the Ice Formula of the woman 40+, now, when menopause has already come-ice the formula of menopause. I think it is precisely thanks to this well-being and does not fail. Properly selected therapy many problems decides, in fact.

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Tanya 16/03/2020 at 6:50

From the vitamins most like Multivitamins Evalar. They and the form of reception are comfortable, delicious very. I accept them, but I do not forget about a healthy lifestyle. Not to complain about what, I feel good, I rarely sick. Prevention and truth is a large role in maintaining health.

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Irina 06/17/22020 at 16:42.

I take not so long ago Pastelle with Vitamins Naturino and I can only say about them in a positive way. It is inexpensive, taste pleasant and the composition is excellent!

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Darya 27/10/2021 at 20:06.

Vitamins and minerals in their body should always be followed. After all, their lack may cause serious consequences! I accept Detrimary for a month in a large dosage of 2000 Me in capsules. As part and vitamin D, and Omega-3. It is very convenient that everything in one capsule. The mood with the admission of this vitamin has improved, there is no depressive attitude. By the way, I like the capsule option more than the oily shape.

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