How to choose a hearing aid

How to choose a hearing aid

The rumor is one of the most important ways to perceive information about the world for each person. Despite the separation of people on visuals, audials and kinestics, it is difficult to imagine how the world would have understood if any of them took the ability to hear. Over the years, and sometimes due to the disease, unfortunately, the rumor is dulled, which can lead to the need to buy a special apparatus for its maintenance. How to choose a hearing apparatus correctly talk in this article.

Each person is individual, respectively, before purchasing a device to improve hearing, it is necessary to consult a specialist competent in this area. You will be helped in a specialized center, which has a license for Surdology-otorinolaryngology. The worshologist will be able to give the right conclusion about the parameters of your hearing, using a special device - an audiometer.

The auditory model is selected on a special computer program in accordance with the conclusion of the doctor. Please note that the conclusion should not be given Lor, namely the wardologist. Much time for diagnosis is not needed, the analysis of hearing and the selection of the device usually does not take more than 1.5 hours.

All hearing correction devices are divided into two categories: digital and analog. The first convert signals from the external environment into digital code, which is why the quality of sound perception is significantly improved. As for analog, most manufacturers are gradually refused their production. Therefore, we advise you to buy a digital apparatus, despite the fact that it costs a little more expensive.

Next, you should decide - use one or two devices. In the latest version, the quality of audibility is definitely improving, but financial expenses increase. If there are no strict medical prescriptions, you can do with one device.

Asking how to choose a hearing aid, many pay great attention to his appearance. There are existed, internal and intracanal hearing aids. The latest least noticeable, but the least powerful and require greater care. When choosing a location, you also need to consider the opinion of the doctor. As for power, the device should not only answer your requests at the moment, but also to have its stock so that with further decline of hearing you have not had to buy a new auditory device every year.

The following key characteristics are distinguished by which the quality of the auditory is determined:

  • number of channels (certain frequency ranges that allow you to adjust the gain independently from each other);
  • compression system (allows you to adjust the device so that, catching the quiet sounds, do not feel discomfort from loud);
  • noise suppression system (responsible for speech intelligibility);
  • the microphone system (ideally allows the user to manage the orifone orientation direction).

In addition to these exist, there are other parameters that you can discuss with your specialist.

To pick up the right auditory apparatus for the patient, the surner will have to take into account many factors: how long there has been a decline in hearing, what are his reasons for how much manifests themselves, the way of life of the patient, wishes to the appearance of the apparatus and its cost, etc. Therefore, a unambiguous answer to the question "how to choose a hearing aid" - find a competent specialist to whom you are willing to trust your ear. And yet, do not resort to cheap hearing amplifiers that are sold without a special certificate. They have nothing to do with the auditory and are able to cause serious harm to health.

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love 15/09/2021 at 17:09

i do not know how the reason after the first pregnancy began to lose the rumor, even though I was crazy and did not come across and I treated this hearing loss by Relon and the tincture of cedar, but I am now pregnant again and I'm afraid that it will repeat


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