How to remove the tube from the ear

How to remove the tube from the ear

Nature took care to preserve the auditory passage of a person from infections and foreign substances. For this, the secret of the ear produces sulfur. It has antiseptic properties. But sometimes on the border between the outer and middle ear, a plug of sulfur is formed. It is important to remove it, because it causes discomfort and even the pain of man.

Most effective in the fight against ear traffic jams. Modern procedures:

  • If you do not rely on your strength, refer to the otolaryngologist. He will do without consequences. It is especially worth contacting the services of a professional in difficult cases when the head is spinning, nausea comes.
  • Also pay attention to pharmacological products to remove the tube from the ear. For example, Remo-Wax and A-Cerupeun dissolve sulfur directly in the auditory pass. And most importantly, due to the presence of special nozzles, you will be sure that the active substance of the drug will turn to traffic jams. For children from 3 months, anaurett is shown. Hold your head straight and bore the drug in the ear. A minute later, remnants that came out of it are removed.

Remove the tube from the ear at home washing:

  1. To do this, pour warm water into a syringe or pipette. Lower on the bed sideways. Slide a towel under the head to leave the bed dry. In the patient, in the patient, pour water a little. On average, it will be necessary to 1 liter.
  2. Mix in equal proportions 3% hydrogen peroxide and water. Do not use the peroxide of a higher concentration, it is dangerous for health, because It is possible to burn a hearing channel. If the procedure is standing standing, then treated ear flip up. Do not be afraid if you hear a characteristic hiss.
  3. Prepare a warm solution of manganese pale pink. If during washing, you felt pain or burning, discontinue the procedure.
  4. Drip in the ear 2-4 drops of vegetable or vaseline oil. The removal of sulfur is better to do in the evening before bedtime.

Conducting the problem of ear plugs will help special candles based on propolis, bee wax and medicinal herbs and oils. They are easy to cook at home, but it's easier to buy ready-made in a pharmacy. Moreover, their price is low. Remove the tube from the ear so:

  1. Pass the ear shell with children's cream.
  2. Put your head on the side and cover your ear with a napkin with a hole in the area of \u200b\u200bthe auditory passage.
  3. Fit the upper end of the candle, and the lower cut to the passage.
  4. After a couple of minutes, the candle is extinguished and cleaned with a cotton wand.
  5. Close the ear shell tampon from the wool for 10 minutes.

Ear blowing is the last method that is worth trying independently. The procedure involves the introduction of air flow under pressure through Eustachiev pipe into the drum cavity. To do this, close your mouth and nostrils with your hands. And make an exhalation with effort. Toynbi and political meters are more effective, but at home they are impracticable. They are used in the hospital.

In order to prevent the appearance of a sulfur tube, it is necessary to know the reasons for its appearance:

  • Incorrect hearing aisle hygiene. A deep penetration with a cotton waller with an excessive force provokes a compression of a sulfur.
  • Diseases such as eczema, otitis, dermatitis, contribute to the accumulation of excess sulfur. Also, the factors of the medium affect this process. For example, excessive humidity and a large amount of dust.
  • Features of the structure of the auditory. With this reason, nothing can be done.

Remove the tube from the ear is easy, the main thing is not to delay with this business. After all, a person begins to hear badly and experience constant unpleasant sensations in the auditory canal.

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