How to get rid of cork in the ear

How to get rid of cork in the ear

Sulfur tube is a sulfur accumulation in the ear that failed to leave the natural way. The largest clusters can lead to the overlapping of a hearing aisle, a significant deterioration in hearing, the appearance of a humus, noise and feelings in the ears. From sulfur traffic jams, it is necessary to get rid of it in time so that it does not cause disabilities and discomfort, how to do it yourself?

Why is a sulfuric tube in the ears formed?

The formation of sulfur in the ear is a natural process. This is a peculiar protection of the inner ear from the external environment and infectious diseases. The more often irritation of the surface of the auditory passage, for example, with thorough cleaning with cotton wand, the more sulfur is allocated. The scrolling of cotton sticks in the ear is very dangerous, as part of the sulfur shifts deeper, inside, which leads to its "rambling" and the appearance of traffic jams. Therefore, removing sulfur from the ear with a cotton wand, clean only the outer side of the auditory pass. Also, items (headphones, a hearing aid) can also be the cause of cork formation, which overlap the passage and do not allow the sulfur.

Causes of ear plug in the ear:

  • Elevated formation of sulfur;
  • specific features of the structure of the aisle pass;
  • Excessive hygienic procedures for cleaning a passage;
  • Previously suffered ear diseases;
  • The presence of foreign objects in the ears.

The main symptoms of having a sulfur tube in the ear

Excessive sulfur content in the ear is accompanied by the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • The feeling of running the ear, which has not passed for a long time, especially in the morning or after the adoption of water procedures.
  • You hear the noise and your own voice in the ears.
  • Cork in the ear can cause cough, nausea, dizziness or even pain in the heart.
  • The presence of inflammatory processes of the middle ear.

How to get rid of sulfur cork on your ear?

To painlessly and effectively remove the sulfur plug, first of all it should be softened, and then rinse the aurist.

You will need:

  • Pipette.
  • Cotton swab.
  • Means for softening the plug. It can be 3% hydrogen peroxide, glycerin or vegetable oil.

What to do:

  • Heat the means for softening in hand to a comfortable temperature, type 4-5 drops in a pipette.
  • Take a comfortable position, tilt your head. The ear in which the sulfur will be removed must be top.
  • Turn away the edge of the auricle a little up and slightly back and cut the tool. Close the auditory passing with a cotton swab. The procedure for softening the sulfur tube is carried out before bedtime, so that it is better softened.
  • In the morning you should rinse the auric passage of 3% hydrogen peroxide from 20 ml syringe. Wash must be lying on the side, a problem ear. Fill out completely ear with hydrogen peroxide. After washing, lie on the side for another 15-20 minutes.
  • The final stage of the procedure is the removal of the plug under the jet of warm water from the shower hose without a sprayer under pressure.

To completely remove the plug, several such manipulations may be needed. If relief does not occur, and you feel that the plug did not come out - be sure to contact Laura, which will find a solution to your problem.

How to get rid of sulfur cork by folk remedies

There are folk remedies for the removal of sulfur tube from the ear. The most popular of them:

  • Drink the ear on the night with warm oil (5-7 drops). Olive, sesame oil is used.
  • Ear drip juice, baked onion, baked with fennel seeds (3-4 drops) for the night, close the ear canal with a cotton swab dipped in Vaseline.
    How to cook a baked onion: cut off at the top of the bulbs in the husk, in the deepening fall asleep dried fennel seeds, onion wrapped in foil and place in oven for baking and the emergence of onion juice.
  • Douching aural passage soda or sodium salts (for 50 ml of warm water - 1 teaspoon baking soda or salt).

We must remember that any independent manipulation to remove cerumen should be carried out if there is no ear discomfort and pain. When painful sensations appear - stop the procedure!

Comments leave a comment
Olya 05/09/2017 at 12:16.

Very unpleasant condition, when this ear plug ... The pharmacy of it drops just bought stopotit pharmacy and washed the plug

Svetlana 24/11/2021 at 16:13

The first time I had to go to the hospital with this problem. He began to hear badly on one ear, it turned out that I had a sulfur tube. The doctor recommended me spray Vaxol. Bought in a pharmacy. You need to do one appliqué in each ear, and that would be a room temperature. Through time, the plug was dissolved and the remnants I deleted your cotton disk.


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