How to cure an ear at home

How to cure an ear at home

Cure ear can can in home conditions, excluding  hospitalization. Ear pain very strong, that's why brings huge discomfort. Often disease it flows with rise temperatures, that's why necessary to accept antipyretic.

Then recommended visit doctor, which the he would wash it off cork. If a damaged drum membrane, then will be assigned treatment. Also doctor maybe recommend therapy in conditions at home, but remember, what self -medication maybe bring harm yours health.

1) How to cure the ear - p shipping

If a ear starts « fire», then necessary heat water, at this her temperature must to be not strongly high. Then take cotton wand and to wet  her in water. After this insert in ear and some time hold, after togo how warm in ear will leave, procedure should repeat. The only thing conditionthis is nice feel in ear. Similar manipulations recommended repeat several once in day.

2) How to cure the ear - m x

Exists old recipe, which the great anesthetizes and heals. For preparations micsters you will need it liter water and a spoon salt. More  you will need it 100 g ammonia alcohol, a also 10 g camphor oils. All this is connect with solution salt and shake. Received mixture will be with white flakes, that's why, to get rid from them, need for a long time chat solution. Obtained mikstur can keep on the length of the year. Apply her need so: wet cotton wool, squeeze, place in ear.

3) How to cure the ear - to ompress

Great way calms pain counts compress. The main thing  task is uniform distribution healing warming substances, in order  it not it got on the problematic zone in too much big quantity. Thanks to this method can fast recover in result favorable impact. He enhances appeal blood in areas average ear:

  • vodka compress. Gasket from several marlev layers necessary moisten in vodka. After this on the gasket place vatu and fixed at help bandage;
  • vodoenhoney compress. Gasket, which drowned vodka, need lubricate honey. Also can honey connect with vodka, good stir and impregnate gauze mixture;
  • compress and camphor alcohol. Solution bred water half.

4) How to cure the ear - l uK

Onionthis is wonderful and most available homemade means, which facilitates pain in ear. Juice luke possesses antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Clean product apply not costs, because how he maybe call burn or irritation.

  • Better total mix fresh juice with oil flax in half. Tampon need put in ear on the several hours, previously drowning his in mixtures.
  • Onion drops. To them prepare need bake onion and when he put brown juice squeeze them ear.
  • Candles. Prepare candles necessary from middle bulbs, insert them in passage ear, plug cotton wool and tie bandage. The best effect can achieve, if make such procedure on the night.

5) How to cure the ear - n astock calendulas

Research scientists proved, what calendula enough effective in treatment ear. it great anti -inflammatory and antibacterial means.

For treatment you will need it drip drop calendulas on the external part ear, then rub her. Drip directly in ear it is forbidden.

  • If a inflamed internal ear, then need prepare alcoholic compress with calendula. Apply need near ear.
  • Calendula great interacts with different vegetable extracts. Property calendulas consists in removal pain. By opinion scientists, if drops turn on such components, how olive oil, garlic, st. John's wort, vitamin E, then this is faster reduces pain.
  • Alcoholic tincture calendulas can treat inflammation drum membranes, for this need drip on several drops in ear.

6) How to cure the ear - p yerek hydrogen

For treatment would need squeeze solution in sick ear, a after put away assembled sulfur.

7) How to cure the ear - l epeshka

Prepare cake can so: five spoons rye flour and 25 g powder -like caraway seeds, a also juniper. All these components connect with water and bake cake, then impregnate his alcohol. Warm baking apply to ear, a after togo how she is cool plug ear a swab, which the drowned in almond oil.

If a hurts ear, then launch treatment not costs, because how this is maybe bring to distribution infections inside ear and complications. BUT this is threats violation balance, decrease hearing u patient.

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