How to cure solar burn

How to cure solar burn

Being for a long time in the sun or in solarium, you can burn, which will lead to redness of the skin and painful sensations. It is best to prevent sunburn, but if it failed, you need to know how to accelerate healing, as well as remove redness and pain.

How to determine solar burn

In the first hours after receiving sunny burn, it is almost impossible to notice. However, after 8-12 hours, redness, painful sensations, tumidity appear on the skin. It can also be accompanied by general malaise, headache, chills or even increased temperature.
Most of all solar burns are subject to people with light skin, red hair and freckles, because Their skin produces less melanin and more vulnerable to straight sunshine. But even the owners of dark skin can get a sunny burn with a longer stay in the sun.

First aid for sunburn

First aid for inflamed and blushing skin burned in the sun is a wet compress. To do this, you can use both clean water and chamomile beams, calendula, oak bark, strong black or green tea. The compress must be kept for 15-20 minutes, which will allow moisturizing the affected skin, as well as remove pain and redness. In addition, it is also recommended to take a shower or a bath with cool water. In order to calm the skin after a compression or soul, apply cooled aloe juice or soothing cooling cream on the affected areas. There are many more folk remedies that can also be applied to the affected areas: sour cream, kefir, cucumber, cabbage or potatoes. If the pain is too strong, you can also take an anesthetic: paracetamol, aspirin or ibuprofen.

Treatment of sunburn

During the treatment of sunburns, you should adhere to several rules:

  1. All compresses, masks and creams should be applied regularly several times a day until redness and painful sensations are passed on the affected skin.
  2. Burns can cause dehydration, so during the treatment of solar burns it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. It will help keep the water balance, will speed up healing and protect your skin.
  3. Try not to scratch, do not rub the washcloth and not annoying other ways affected.
  4. During the treatment period, take vitamins C and E.
  5. Do not use scrubs and alcohol-containing means during treatment - they can enhance irritation and slow down the regeneration of the skin.

Prevention of repeated sunburn and complications

To avoid further repeated sunburns, and also not cause complications, it is necessary to follow several simple rules for the sun:

  1. Try to be on the sun as little time as possible, especially during its greatest activity - from 11 to 16 hours.
  2. Pick up clothes that will cover vulnerable seats or recent burns. The clothes should be easy and free to not deliver discomfort. To protect the skin of the face and neck, wearing hats with wide fields.
  3. Use sunscreen with a filter at least SPF 30, and also apply them regularly in accordance with the instructions on the package.

These uncomplicated ways will help you cure a sunburn and prevent his re-appearance in the future. It is important to comply with all the recommendations, as well as clearly follow the instructions, and then healing and the restoration of the skin will pass quickly and easily.

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Larisa 10/05/2020 at 20:23

With a sunburn, you need to immediately assist the skin. When such a nuisance happened to me, I smeared the skin with ointment Radaevit. The amateur ointment weakened, and after its use, later, even the skin was not peeled.

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