Hepatitis C is a dangerous viral disease, which leads to changes in the functions of the liver. Unfortunately, with primary infection, not all patients appeal to the doctor, since the disease can proceed asymptomatic. Therefore, they diagnose its chronic form.
Antiviral preparations and immunomodulators are used to treat hepatitis C. The main therapy is aimed at stopping the growth and reproduction of virus cells. If you manage to restrain the growth of the virus, then soon the liver is restored. Remember, hepatoprotectors are not medication and are used in a complex with antiviral drugs. These medicines are aimed at maintaining liver functions. The effect of these drugs is based on medicinal herbs. Therefore, the patient with this type of hepatitis is preferably constantly taken by decoction or tea from the grass of the ram. There are liver fees that help the recovery of liver cells. From the virus, these herbs will not help, they will only support the liver. In modern practice, there are several treatment schemes for hepatitis C. With a proper approach, more than 50% of all patients are fully cured. The most popular is the combination of ribavmerin and interferon. In the presence of allergies, monotherapy is carried out on a particular preparation. Such treatment is very expensive and many not on the pocket, so the doctor may appoint hepatoprotectors. These drugs do not kill the virus, so they are ineffective.What will happen if not to treat the disease? In the launched cases, cirrhosis of the liver or hepatic encephalopathy may occur, which leads to the elimination of bone marrow cells.