How to cure stomatitis in a child

How to cure stomatitis in a child

Any vanity can cause stomatitis in children: from non-compliance with personal hygiene to weak immunity. The main thing is to remember that the disease has several species, only a specialized doctor can assign high-quality treatment.

Features of the treatment of stomatitis

The first step of the parent, who noticed the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth or the presence of formations in the form of ulcers, suppuration, characteristic, will appeal to a professional. To begin with, it is necessary to sign up for a reception to a dentist-therapist, which can calculate the degree of the disease and the severity, the nearestness of the disease. If the doctor has problems with making a diagnosis, you will have to go further - into the cabins of the Laura, Dermatologist, Mikologa.


Remember that every case of such a disease is individual. Do not count up purchase prescription medicines and get an instant result. It's impossible! It is necessary to understand where parents missed, doctors will accompany the reason for the cause. The cure is achieved both by medicines and special care for the child. You need to regularly brush your teeth, observe sleep modes, nutrition, responsibly relate to drug receptions, ointments.

Teeth cleaning

Varieties and approach to cure

Consider the detailed types of children's stomatitis.

Viral Stomatitis

The most common view of the disease is a viral or herpetic stomatitis. Most often, babes aged from one year to 4 years old. Infection occurs with airborne droplets or through dishes, toys. The beginning of the disease is similar to an ordinary cold, accompanied by a rash on lips, increased fatigue, high temperature. If such a kind of disease is established, doctors prescribe antiviral medicines. In the case of high temperatures - they will add antipyretic.

Medical or Allergic Stomatitis

Medical or allergic stomatitis occurs in children of allergies, or the cause becomes the reaction to drugs. It is necessary to immediately get rid of the source of allergies, otherwise anaphylactic shock is possible. Recommend to use antihistamines.

Traumatic stomatitis

Traumatic stomatitis cause mechanical disorders of the oral cavity. Watch that the child eats does not need to give too hot food, such a omission can give the beginning of the development of the disease. It is necessary to buy not too hard nipples and observe the kid not to gnaw. Also, this type of stomatitis is observed in children with problems in orthodontology, due to systematic bitching of cheeks and language. Disposal antibacterial agents.

Candadozny Stomatitis

Candidal stomatitis is observed in children up to one year. The instigator of the attack is the fungus of the type of Candida. It passes according to the following scheme: when feeding a baby, milk remains in the mouth, which becomes the cause of the breeding of malicious bacteria. Mama needs to be followed by a raid, but not to be confused with natural after feeding. The candidomic flaw does not disappear from the mouth, and remains for a long time, and the child begins to resist feeding. If you find such a species, antifungal drugs will be discharged.

Having found some hint of one of the types of stomatitis from his baby, it is not necessary to postpone the campaign to a specialist. It is required to immediately go to the doctor and get a qualified appointment.

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