How to cure herpes on the lips quickly

How to cure herpes on the lips quickly

Herpes - a disease that manifests itself mainly on the lips in the form of small inflated convexities of red. They suffer from almost all people in varying degrees. The emergence process is primarily associated with the peculiarities of the body's immune system. With a weak immunity, the disease can become a frequent guest on your lips, which will deliver a lot of inconvenience. Learn how to cure herpes on the lips quickly.

How to cure herpes on the lips quickly at home

When it is not possible to go to the pharmacy, herpes quickly cure at home. To do this, you will use the simplest tools:

  • Take the cook salt and attach to the place with herpes, hold for a few minutes, then do not wash off with water, but just carefully erase the salt. After the same, do the same food soda. It is recommended to alternate salt and soda during the day. This procedure will decide inflammation and will prevent further fitting and distribution on other sites.
  • Use toothpaste, it perfectly disinfects herpes wounds, while not overpowers the shell. This method helps at the very beginning of the disease.
  • Stodita garlic affected areas or squeeze garlic juice and burn painful education. It is desirable to do it before bedtime.
  • If you have fir, tea tree, almond or sea buckthorn oils, migrate with them the patient area twice a day.
  • Do not forget that a faithful assistant - Aloe will help you quickly cope with herpes. The juice of this plant has many necessary elements to recover your lips. You can also make a crawler out of it or just cut the leaf and attach to the lips. Clamp it with a plaster, three days later herpes will disappear. Also, you will use the juices of Calanechoe, the juice of aspen leaves. In addition, the juice of lemon wonderful wounds.
  • Make ointment of garlic, honey and ash. For cooking you will need to burn paper leaf, after the burning process, collect the ashes and add it to a tablespoon of honey with grated garlic. Such an ointment will quickly save you from the illness.

How to cure herpes on the lips quickly with medicines

Medical elimination of herpes is no less efficient than treatment at home. Basically, antiviral drugs are used in the form of ointment, cream, spray, oral medicines are prescribed extremely rarely. The most common are made on the basis of acyclovir, rampacilovir, penciclovir, Famciclovir. Among popular masses, Zovirax, Bonafton, Florenal, Acyclovir, Tromantadine mean. Almlomage will also help you, Alpizarin, Decispantenol, Tromantadin, Gerpex, Dr. Mom, Golden Star. These funds will cure lips within three to four days.

How to cure herpes on lips quickly - warning

In no case are herpes rashes do not smear with iodine, alcohol, green. Treatment in this way will not give the rapid and necessary effect, since these drugs do not kill the virus, besides, they can leave burns on the skin. Therefore, you should not risk the beauty of your lips, use only proven methods.

It turned out that it is not difficult to get rid of herpes to get rid of herpes. Be healthy and do not get sick!

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