How to determine hepatitis

How to determine hepatitis

Hepatitis or jaundice is a liver disease. Often this ailment is manifested by the same symptoms as with influenza. Namely: an increase in temperature, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, nausea. With sharp forms, the following sensations are characterized: vomiting, headache, lightweight feces, dark urine, pain in the field of right hypochondrium, yellow pupils and a change in skin color. With these signs should immediately contact the doctor.

The main viruses of hepatitis three. Hepatitis A - This infection is transmitted through the unwashed hands. The incubation period of the disease proceeds from 14 to 48 days. A month does not show the disease at all. During this period, the patient can infect other people. Then the above-described symptoms appear, which through time (5-7 days) disappear. Only the sense of fast fatigue remains. As the liver is restored, approximately two or three months, with proper treatment - everything passes. In severe cases, if the patient appealed to doctors not on time, serious complications are possible.

Hepatitis in can be infected only through blood or sexual way. The hidden stage of the disease lasts about two months. The pathology is manifested by the same symptoms as hepatitis A: discomfort to the right under the ribs, fatigue, lack of appetite, nausea, urine of dark color, white feces, joint pain. Confirm the presence of the disease hepatitis Tests in Or go to the district doctor, which will give direction to the blood test. This type of hepatitis is prevented by vaccination. It is very dangerous, since some patients develop a chronic stage of the disease, which threatens the subsequent development of the liver cirrhosis.

A gentle killer or viral hepatitis C is the most cunning view of this pathology. The disease often proceeds almost asymptomatic, the hidden period lasts seven or ten weeks. A man feels bitterness in his mouth, heaviness in the right side. To get rid of bad thoughts, buy a test and make analysis. And even better hand over blood into the laboratory on RNA or antibodies so that the disease does not switch to cirrhosis or liver cancer. After all, hepatitis is dangerous that they reveal it in the late stage. The causes of the liver disease are infection through blood or sex, as well as consumption of oily food, alcohol, drugs.


Analyzes for the determination of hepatitis are required to pass on an empty stomach in the morning. Before it should not be dressed later than eight o'clock in the evening. Time for testing - one or two days. If you receive an answer: "Immunity to the virus is not detected," then you do not have hepatitis.


When the patient's pathology is found, it is necessary to urgently hospitalize. An experimental infectious hepatologist will appoint a course of treatment. You need to eat right, keep the diet, do not drink hot drinks, do not smoke, relax more. Refuse drugs that the doctor did not prescribe you (contraceptive, antibiotics, antidepressants), they have a negative impact on the liver. If the treatment begins at an early stage, then its effectiveness will be great.

In order not to hurt with such a dangerous disease, it is recommended to comply with the simplest rules: wash your hands before the meal, refuse to destroy habits (alcohol, drugs, smoking), allocate time on vacation, go to bed on time, to use light low-fat foods, not to have an indiscriminate relationship.

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