The causes of the occurrence and treatment of jaundice

The causes of the occurrence and treatment of jaundice

Jaundice occurs quite often. With her occurrence, most people believe that the problem lies in the liver. But the liver damage is only one of the many causes of skin painting in yellow tones. It is necessary to understand the mechanism of the development of jaundice in order to direct research into the right channel and adequately treat.

The mechanism of jaundice

Bilirubin gives yellow color. This is a blood pigment, which is formed in the process of complex biochemical transformations. It all starts with hemoglobin, which is in red blood cells and is necessary for the transfer of oxygen. Hemoglobin is released from red blood cell when he is destroyed. One of the finite products of the decay of hemoglobin is bilirubin.

Such bilirubin is called indirect and transferred to special proteins in the liver for processing. In the liver to it joins glucuronic acid. After that, the indirect bilirubin becomes straight and included in the composition of the boat. This is the normal cycle of the life of Bilirubin. At various stages of its metamorphosis, a failure may occur, which often leads to its accumulation in the body.

Jaundice with elevated decay of red blood cells

There is a large list of diseases in which the premature destruction of red blood cells occurs. Almost all of them are hereditary, but can be provoked to toxins, microorganisms or oncological processes. With the massive decay of red blood cells, a large amount of hemoglobin is thrown into the blood. This leads to the formation of bilirubin in large volumes, with which the liver cannot cope.

This kind of jaundice can be suspected if your blood relatives had a similar hereditary disease, or symptoms arose after poisoning with harmful substances. Also, malaria leads to the destruction of erythrocytes, whose pathogen can be picked up in tropical countries. Jaundice, the reasons for which are described above are treated only in the hospital.

Jaundice with hepatitis

As already mentioned, the liver utilizes the resulting bilirubin. If for some reason its function suffers, the process of its processing may be interrupted. The crash cause of the liver function is hepatitis. Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. Most often there are viral hepatitis. They are accompanied by a severity or pain in the right hypochondrium, violation of digestion and brain work, high bleeding, edema, temperature and jaundice.

You can suspect viral hepatitis if you encounter similar symptoms. Given that some types of hepatitis viruses are transmitted through blood, you can associate your blood transfusion disease or surgical interventions that could be infected. Do not forget that hepatitis viruses are also transferred to the sexual way, and some eating. Treatment is long, and requires large cash costs. But in the case of hepatitis type A viruses, the disease may pass without medical intervention.
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Jaundice with gallway disease

Passing through the liver, Bilirubin should get into the horizontal bubble, and from there in the intestine. But with a gall-eyed illness, the path of the passage of yellow can be interrupted by various stones. In this case, Bilirubina has nowhere to go. It begins to accumulate in the body and cause jaundice. At the same time, the disease is accompanied by strong pain in the right hypochondrium and vomiting.

The diagnosis is confirmed with ultrasound examination. Further doctors consider the methods of eliminating stones. Often have to remove the hand bubble, and then all your life take preparations for stimulating the outflow of yellow.

These are basic, but not all the causes of jaundice. When it occurs, you can already independently assume the reason and think about further actions. But it is not necessary to engage in self-medication.

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