Why no monthly

Why no monthly

The female organism is a complex system, which is sensitive to any external and internal influences. Any changes that are favorable or not may manifest itself in health. The menstrual cycle in this case is no exception. Let's consider several reasons why there are no menstruation.

The lack of menstruation among girls aged 12-14 may be due to violation of sexual development and is called amenorrhea. This is a genetically determined state of the pathology of the hormonal system, the reasons for which several:

  • suffered serious diseases;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • the harmful effects of the climate or the environment;
  • material and domestic conditions;
  • heredity or nationality;
  • violations of the constitutional structure.

After the first monthly organism appears to establish a constant cycle, it will be necessary for about two years. For the whole period of hormonal restructuring, low delays are possible. If after this period monthly continue to manifest itself with irregularity - contact your children's gynecologist.

Active sex life can be the first cause of the absence of menstruation, due to the possibility of the child's conception. Check if it will help an ordinary pregnancy test. The results of the ultrasound examination, blood for hormones, the examination at the gynecologist will additionally confirm the fact of the presence of a new state for a woman.

For a period of GW (breastfeeding), menstruation delay (prolactin, actively produced by a female organism at this stage, is oppressed by the ovarian function), which leaves after the child's riddling.

The absence of menstruation can be associated with the reception of drugs. It can be:

  • oral contraceptives (their abolition or reception as emergency assistance, with the reluctance of the occurrence of pregnancy);
  • diuretic;
  • preparations affecting the change in weight or muscle system (anabolic);
  • antidepressants;
  • anti-tuberculosis drugs;

Inflammatory or pathological processes occurring in the organs of the female sexual system affect the regularity of the cycle. In addition to the lack of menstruation, the woman will disturb:

  • pulling or severe pains localized in the field of abdominal and lower back;
  • isolation with an unpleasant smell, negrogenous consistency and uncharacteristic for the normal rate.

Not only "female" diseases may be the cause of lack of menstruation. Endocrine diseases, ovulatory disorders and diseases of the nervous system affect the work of the hormonal system of the body of a woman. If you want to avoid the development of infertility, hand over the analyzes to the appropriate hormones and go through the necessary treatment.


The surrounding negative environment affects the female organism at all favorable. Monthly can linger or permanently due to such traumatic factors as:

  • stressful situations outside the house or in the family circle;
  • constant physical or psychological overvoltage;
  • having caused the body with diets and constant weights of weight as a result of this;
  • infectious or viral diseases;
  • sudden climate change.

Closer to a forty-year line, each woman is preparing for the occurrence of the unpleasant period of his life - Klimaks. For menopause, the appearance of delays and gradual cessation of menstruation is characterized. Age of 40-60 years for women's health is critical, at this time especially pay attention to any changes in your body.

Regular absence of a monthly more permissible period (5-7 days) - reason to draw attention to your body or visit the doctor (if a delay of more than a month).

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Galya 06/05/2018 at 18:04

I did not have menstruation only in two cases, pregnancy and climax ... And if the first is a joyful event ... then the second I completely sighed me. I thought that everything was finished life. But in fact, it turned out everything was not so-started to accept the polyvitamin-ice formula of menopause, the tincture of Sage, + moved to PP. The symptoms of themselves began to have become much less likely ... Now I now don't even bother about the fact that this period came))

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Gel 10/17/2018 at 15:09

Yes, menopause or pregnancy is the first thing that comes to mind .. But I was not lucky. .. What was wrong. But with menopause faced quite recently. Monthly disappeared and I immediately at the doctor. That to get rid of the symptoms appointed a cycle and tincture on the brave of viburnum - helps it all perfectly, I feel good, thank God)

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