Paints from pain during menstruation

Paints from pain during menstruation

Violation of hormonal balance is the main cause of pain during menstruation. The uterus is reduced by pushing the mucous membrane, which in the end and causes pain. Weak and not long-term pain are quite normal for a female organism, but long-term and unbearable deliver a huge amount of trouble. With such pains should be struggling. If you are one of those women that experiences pain during menstruation - you need to know about the ways to eliminate unpleasant symptoms using tablets.

The degrees of pain in menstruation. Causes and symptoms. Descriptions

The reasons for the occurrence of pain (dysmenorrhea) during menstruation can be varied. Pain may occur both from physiological characteristics and as a result of diseases of the urine-sex system. Depending on this, choose the right treatment and eliminate the discomfort.

Monthly - the process of cleansing the female organism. The uterus pushes and removes harmful and unnecessary fabrics. Reducing, the uterus challenges the blood artery and produces a chemical substance - prostaglandin. The more this hormone in the blood is the stronger the pain.

The degrees of pain:

  • First. Characterized by a minor pain and very often remains unnoticed. She does not prevent a woman to live. Such unpleasant sensations may disappear at all after the first birth.
  • Second. Pain sensations complement frequent dizziness. Often during the first two or three days there is nausea and even chills. The working capacity of a woman is reduced and these sensations are able to affect its emotional state. In this case, it is not necessary to do without taking tablets.
  • Third. It is characterized by intense pain not only in the stomach, but also a sacr. This condition is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, chills and even increase in temperature. Woman feels weakness and rapid heartbeat. Naturally, regular similar sensations are capable of affecting the general psychological state of man. Not rare such symptoms indicate the presence of a serious disease.

Paints from pain during menstruation

There are three groups of tablets that can be taken in the fight against pain during menstruation. The first is anesthetic drugs. Most Popular:

  • Analgin.
  • Kathetonal.
  • Naz.
  • Tempalgin.
  • Naproxen
  • Spasmalgon.
  • Sedalgin.

These drugs have a rapid painkillers, reducing the level of prostaglandins in the uterus to a minimum. The uterus ceases to actively shrink. Effective is also the use of analgin in combination with but-shp. It is recommended to take painkillers in advance, about one or two days before the cycle. This will prevent the appearance of sharp and unexpected pain.

Hormonal pills from pain during menstruation

To a number of such substances include oral contraceptives. The most popular of them:

  • Omdon.
  • Antiovin.
  • Triziston.
  • Diana-35.
  • Yarina.
  • Duphaston.

Hormonal drugs can not only weaken the pain, but also to completely save it, as well as other unpleasant symptoms. The hormones that are part of the drug normalize the general background and normalize their own hormones of the body.

Soothing pills from pain during menstruation

The list of these substances can include such popular medicines like Valerian and New Passitis. Soothing substances can gently cope with pain in the stomach and lower the nervous excitement. These medicines, like nothing better, eliminate irritation in critical days. Data "Lungs" drugs are able to become a real rescue circle in the fight against discomfort and pain.

Prevention pain at monthly

Reception of drugs from pain during periods - is extremely useful, but practice shows that it is more effectively combining them with other wellness actions, such as:

  • exercise and yoga;
  • massage and self-massage of pain points;
  • proper nutrition;
  • applying warm heating.

Always carefully approach the choice of medical products and take into account the individual features of your body. Be healthy.

These video will allow you to familiarize yourself with the list of recommendations to eliminate pain during critical days.

Comments leave a comment
faith 10/26/2019 at 22:18.

Good day to all! Girls, help with advice, the second day of the pain of the stomach during menstruation, the pain is just a hell, long ago, there was no such thing. What an anesthetic to buy to buy exactly?

Galya 10/28/2019 at 16:43.

Vera, I personally, the dialrapeid helps, buy this powder and dive with strong pains and drink. Helps by the way fast enough, which is important, agree?


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