How to restore monthly

How to restore monthly

Violating menstruation time is quite simple, each woman came across such a problem at least once in life. Such changes in the female organism may arise without a pricing cause, and can also in conjunction with serious deviations.

Menstrual cycle restoration methods

Before go To restoring menstruation, a woman needs to visit the gynecologist. This is an important event, since only a qualified specialist will be able to conduct a thorough inspection of the female organism, to diagnose and assign competent treatment.

  • Nutrition. Spend the diet of the diet. If you follow the diet, then it must be stopped. Consume more fruits and vegetables, vitamins will allow you to organize a menstrual cycle.
  • Exercise and leisure. Everything should be moderately, do not allow the body to be overworked, spend more time on vacation, follow the clock of sleep.
  • Sex. Regular sexual contact is a guarantee of women's health.
  • Stress. Try to avoid stressful situations, engage in meditation, abstract from negative emotions.
  • Planned inspection. In order to eliminate the occurrence of menstruation disorders and other female problems, it is necessary regularly every six months, to visit the gynecologist.

How to restore monthly with hormonal agents

In some situations gynecologist Appoints a course of contraceptives. These preparations for recovery Cycle, because it is they who contain all the necessary vitamins that contribute to the normalization of menstruation.
There are also two medical facilities for restoring menstruation containing all useful hormones necessary to the feminine body:

  • Ureminent - assigned to deficiency progesterone. Consumed 3 times a day, 1 tablet. This medical drug should be used exclusively at certain days of the menstrual cycle recommended by the specialist.
  • Duphaston - prescribed when a monthly delay 5-T. Days and absence of pregnancy. Medical preparation causes menstruation into the shortest time. Use the medicine is necessary in certain numbers. menstrual cycle specified gynecologist. Consume Duphaston It is necessary 1-2 times a day on one tablet.
  • PRGNOTON - Used in the presence of a large number of prolactin. Increasing this hormone is associated with excessive nervous overvoltage. Sachet with therapeutic powder should be diluted in a glass of warm water, thoroughly mix until complete dissolution and drink during meals. Consume a medical preparation is recommended no more than 1 time per day for three months.

How to restore monthly folk methods

  • Lavral infusion. In a small saucepan, fill with 500 ml of hot water 15 grams of the laurel sheet. Put the dishes on fire and boil for 5-7 minutes, without covering the lid. Pour carefully decoction into the thermos and let it be broken, it will take about 3 hours. Drink a laurel infusion throughout the day 50 ml.
  • Falillone tincture. Pour in a glass of 3 ppm Walinkles and pour it boiling water. Give the champ in line for 4 hours. Consume a healing drink 50 ml 3 times a day, not more than 3 days.
  • Burning drink. Connect in a small saucepan of 50 grams of burdock and a glass of hot boiled water. Put on the fire and boil for 15 minutes. The decoction must be taken 3-4 times a day after eating 50 ml.
  • Melissa tea. In the brewing kettle, connect several leaf leishes and 1 tsp. Black or green tea, then pour all the ingredients with some boiling water. Drink melissa Tea is recommended 4-5 times a day.

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