How to cause monthly before

How to cause monthly before

Each representative of the beautiful sex has cases where the upcoming menstrual cycle may prevent rest on the sea or on the upcoming wedding. If you have conceived to cause a menstrual cycle ahead of time, to then calmly dance in a wedding dress or raise in a fashionable bikini, read our article.

How to cause monthly period

Before using the methods, how to cause monthly period, read about the consequences that may occur during self-restructuring of your body.

  • If you have a delay, and pregnancy tests show two stripes, then why do you need to get rid of the baby at home? The consequences may be irreversible, up to death. Nowadays, there is a huge number of paid and free clinics where you can make a safe medical abortion.
  • Any interference in your body only under the supervision of the doctor. The consequences of the unauthorized adoption of tablets and medicinal herbs are infertility, the disappearance of the menstrual cycle for 4-7 months, the appearance of strong pain in menstruation, miscarriage with abundant blood loss.
  • In addition to pregnancy, the delay can occur due to hormonal failure, infectious diseases, inflammation of the genital organs, uterine misers, and a climacterial period. Therefore, before stimulating the menstrual cycle ahead of time, think about the reasons for the delay.

How to cause monthly earlier - oral and emergency contraceptives

You can postpone the beginning of menstruation using contraceptive tablets if you use the drugs constantly. Consider that the pills can not only cause menstruation ahead of time, but also to postpone it for an indefinite time, therefore, we assume to this method with caution. Use similar methods no more than 1-2 times a year, in order to avoid diseases of the reproductive system.

  • To bring the beginning of menstruation, let's say on 5 days, complete the reception of the drug 5 days before the desired period of starting the menstrual cycle. Sharp cessation will cause the desired menstrual bleeding.
  • In order to transfer menstruation for 7 days or more, you need to exclude a break between counterfeit receptions. When complete the reception 1 of the drug box, immediately start taking the second.
  • Emergency contraceptives are used for interruption and premature starts of the menstrual cycle. One of the drugs is "Pastinor", it is enough to drink 1 tablet and the monthly will come immediately. Be extremely attentive, the drug has a threat to health.

How to cause monthly earlier - hormonal drugs

The hormones in the menstrual cycle are produced in 2 stages - estrogens work before ovulation, and after the ovulatory phase, progesterone is produced, which contributes to the preservation and development of pregnancy.

  • Hormonal drugs downgrade developing  progesterone, thread most. activating strengthened developing estrogen, what causes start menstrual cycle.
  • Preparations are used for hormonal restructuring - "Dufeston" or "Utrezhastan", and other similar hormonal agents that affect the hormonal system of a woman.
  • Before applying drugs, ask for advice to the doctor.

How to cause monthly before without drug use

If the monthly is missing for 3-4 days, do not worry, even in fully healthy women there are failures caused by experiences or sharp climate varia. When the delay causes you an alarm, then use the methods without receiving medicines:

  • In order to increase blood flow to female organs and create a muscular tone in the uterus, take a hot bath and take care of sex with a sexual partner.
  • Cardinal method - fill the bath with hot water and pour 70 grams of mustard, solvent powder carefully. Take water procedures for 30 minutes. Due to the joint effects of hot water and mustard, blood pressure rises, the blood circulation in the uterine cavity is enhanced, and abundant bleeding begins.

How to cause monthly period - folk methods

Folk medicine has a soft impact on the female organism, causing the beginning of menstruation within 2-4 days of use. Part of the herbs shows an abortion action, to avoid miscarriage, conduct surveys for pregnancy.

  • The decoction of Fennel is two tablespoons of dry grass, pour 400 grams of hot water, hold 15 minutes in a water bath. Having cooled decoction to resolve and profile. Take 2 times a day at 70-100 ml.
  • Petrushka's infusion - parsley seeds will fill with hot water, insist 4 hours. Take 200 ml 1 time per day.
  • Brigine Anisa - Fill two glasses of water into enameled dishes and bring to a boil, pour 2 tablespoons of dried anise, boil the decoction of 4 minutes, then remove from the fire. Insist the decoction after cooking you need 2 hours. Take 20 minutes before meals, 2 times a day in 60 ml.
  • Infusion of oregano - Fill 3 tablespoons of dry grass 450 ml of steep boiling water, then cover with a cap and insist 2 hours. Use 2 tablespoons of finished infusion after meals, 3 times a day.
  • Gladiolus bulb candle - from the clubnellukovitsy cut out the shape of the usual vaginal candle, then insert into the vagina. The method is effective, but dangerous, after a few hours menstrual bleeding will come.

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