Monthly - not the most pleasant period for a woman. Blood selection, pain at the bottom of the abdomen and overall malaise are capable of spoiling the mood even the most active and cheerful woman. What should I do if you need to reduce the period of menstruation?
To do this, you can use the means of traditional medicine or drug drugs. It will help faster to end with a monthly decoction of nettle, shepherd bags and barbaris. You can drink lemon juice. Accelerate monthly preparations containing iron. These are apples, grenades and hematogen. In order to end the menstruation faster, it is necessary to take herbs decoction from the first day. For this, the handful of dry leaves should be pouring boiling water and tomorrow on fire 5-7 minutes. Remove from fire and give cool. Take tea by half a cup of at least 3 times a day, starting from the first day of selection. You can drink instead of ordinary tea. It is worth noting that nettles stimulates lactation. Therefore, women who feed the kids breasts are not worth getting rid of menstruation in this way. Instead of stopping menstruation, you can get lactostasis or mastitis. For the rest of Women, nettle is absolutely safe.What to do if menstruation began, and in the evening a romantic dinner? In this case, it is better to refrain from having sex or use special uterine caps and membranes. They restrain the blood for 30-60 minutes.