How to make a dam yourself

How to make a dam yourself

To learn how to make injections, it is absolutely not difficult, the main thing is to understand that there may be such situations in life when this skill will be simply indispensable. The ability to put injections independently you save yourself and your relatives from the need to visit medical institutions and idle in the queue in order to make the next injection of the drug appointed by the doctor.

Perform intravenous injection to itself will be quite dangerous and problematic. Immediately refuse the idea to learn this, since this manipulation should do a professional. Intravenous injection, delivered without compliance with regulatory tactics, can become fatal. Intramuscular, made with errors - leaves a bruise or dense infiltration, disappearing without a trace over time.

On the eve of the intramuscular injection, decide on the place of its production. Itself easier to make an injection into the outer part of the femoral muscle (there are no large vessels that can be damaged). If this isolation is an injection in the outer upper square (mentally divide the buttock to four equal parts).

Deciding with the place of the injection, orient with the position you need to occupy for the correct and painless execution of manipulation. Injection in the thigh do sitting, taking a comfortable position, relaxing the necessary leg. The injection in the buttock is carried out on a rigid surface, so you will check the entire process and avoid possible unpleasant consequences.

Prepare a medicinal syringe:

  • Treat hands with antiseptic alcohol-containing napkins or just thoroughly wash them with soap.
  • An ampoule with the medicine also disinfect, rub it with a rut dipped in alcohol.
  • Squeeze the sawmill with a sawmill (if there is no special labeling on it), wrap the place with a cushion or a napkin and carefully do inad.
  • Complete the packing of the syringe from the other side where it is its piston.
  • Put the needle on the syringe and holding the cannula, remove the cap from the needle.
  • Type a solution from the ampoule in the syringe, pulling out the piston on yourself.
  • Turn the syringe, slightly knock on it so that air bubbles as much as possible up.
  • Smoothly pressed the syringe on the piston until the needle drops of the drug at the tip.
  • Put on the needle cap.

Last straw

Next, proceed to perform an independent formulation of the injection:

  • Take a convenient position;
  • Process the selected area of \u200b\u200bthe injection alcohol;
  • Remove the cap from the needle;
  • Make a free hand of the skin fold in the selected place, insert the needle into it with a sharp movement (the depth of the needle in the buttock is not more than 8 cm, in the thigh - no more than 2 cm);
  • Slowly (in order to avoid the break of internal tissues and the formation of hematomas), enter the medicine, pressing on the piston;
  • Remove the syringe with a sharp movement of the hand, closing the place of the injection with a variegated alcohol.

Having learned to perform intramuscular injections, you can always help yourself yourself under any circumstances.

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