Cavinton, instructions for use

Cavinton, instructions for use

Cavinton is sold in pharmacies in 2 species - in the form of ampoules for injections and in tablets. The composition of the drug contains the main substance is Vinpocetin. In addition to it, the acid is ascorbic, the acidic acid, sodium disulfite, sorbitol and water - if it is solution.

Indications for the use of cavitation

  • Bad blood circulation in the brain. This may be under the transferred stroke, no matter, ischemic or hemorrhagic, as well as atherosclerosis.
  • Bad memory due to metabolic disorders.
  • With violations of the speech apparatus against the background of various diseases of the brain and the CNS.
  • With hypertension.
  • With vegeto-vascular dystonia.

The use of the drug with ophthalmic issues and dysfunctions is also sufficient. For example, it may be changes in the retina of the eye, in its vascular shell, when the vessel is formed in the vessels of the eyeball, with the glaucoma of the secondary type.

Pediatricians recommend Cavinton intravenously with cramps in children.

Important! Studies of scientists revealed that patients with an acquired deafness, taking the drug, noted the positive effect of it.

How to apply Kavuton

If you treat the consequences that have arisen after stroke, brain injuries, or when impaired blood circulation in the brain, then keep in mind that therapy will be quite long. Take Cavinton 3 times a day on a tablet. Regarding the duration of the reception, the doctor will help you, determining the necessary treatment time. It depends on each particular case. In general, the instruction involves a course of treatment at least two weeks.

The treatment of injections is carried out only in the sharp flow of the disease. In this case, the instruction recommends dissolving 10 ml of the drug in sodium chloride. Thus, to produce injections 3 times a day for two days. Next, the doctor looks at the overall condition of the patient if the result allows, then the translation of the treatment on the tablet is recommended.

The treatment of cramps in children is carried out using Cavinton Ukolov intravenously. It is important that the dosage of the drug is not above 100 ml per 1 kg of the child's weight per day. Usually such injections appoint a doctor for 5 days, after which, with positive dynamics, the doctor translates treatment on the tablet. Next, supporting therapy is carried out at the discretion of the doctor.


If treatment of the drug requires a long course, it is necessary to conduct an ECG for a certain time. The drug can seriously affect the work of the heart muscle.

Patients with diabetes should be careful and regularly measure sugar in the blood. Cavinton contains sorbitals.

Intravenous injections need to be done very slowly, there is a recommended speed that cannot be exceeded - 80 drops of \\ min.

Attention! The administration of the drug is categorically prohibited without breeding.


  • Hemorralgic stroke in acute form.
  • IWC in heavy form.
  • Any arrhythmia.
  • Remainability of the drug.

If there are problems with the liver or kidneys, you must first undergo diagnosis and consult with your doctor.

Principle of action of caviton

Cavinton is positively affected by metabolism and blood circulation in the brain.

Side effect

As statistics show, Cavinton is transferred to patients well enough. But, if the therapy lasts a very long time, then the following reactions are possible:

  • cardiogram indicators deteriorate;
  • extrasystole;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • dry mouth is possible;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • drowsiness and sluggish condition;
  • insomnia.

The manifestation of allergies is quite frequent phenomenon when taking this drug, it is manifested by increased sweating, heat, rashes or itching.

Cavinton and other drugs

Simultaneous use of alpha methyldop can be facilitated by decreased blood pressure, and, quite significantly. Control required.

It is necessary to be careful and under the supervision of the doctor, taking the drug with other medicines of the central action, as well as with antiarrhythmics.

Cavinton is incompatible with heparin. It is impossible to mix them.

When breeding injections, cavinton cannot be mixed with amino acid solutions.

How cavitation interacts with alcohol

There is no data on this issue. But here it should be understood that the admission of alcohol in principle is invalid with those diseases under which the medicine is appointed.

Cases of overdose of caviton

There are no data on this.

Reception of the drug during pregnancy and lactation period

In this case, the drug is strictly contraindicated.

How to store Kavuton

Cavinton in the form of tablets can be stored for three years from the date of production.

Ampoules for injections can be stored no more than a year and in the refrigerator.

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