Glycine, instructions for use

Glycine, instructions for use

Glycine is a drug that regulates the metabolism in the body helps to intensify the protection of the CNS. This medicine sets up the work of glutamate recipes.

Also will help:

  • intensify the protection of the CNS,
  • weaken tension
  • reassure emotions
  • improve working
  • reduce aggressive behavior, conflict,
  • social adaptation
  • raise the mood
  • normalize sleep
  • reduce the manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia,
  • eliminate disorders with ischemic stroke, as well as cranial injury,
  • reduce the toxic effect of alcoholic beverages on the body.

Pharmacokinetics glycine

Great soluble in most biological fluids and brain tissues. In this case, the tissues do not accumulate and metabolized into water and carbon dioxide.

Indications for the use of glycine

  • Poor performance.
  • Stress.
  • Emotional tension.
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Increased excitability.
  • Insomnia and sleep disorders.
  • Neurosis.
  • Vegeth-vascular dystonia.
  • Card and brain injury.
  • Encephalopia.
  • Ischemic stroke.

Instructions for glycine

Glycine is produced in the form of 100 mg tablets that need to be dissolved under the tongue. The pharmacology market shows another drug glycine forte, which is produced by a dosage of 300 mg and has a complex of vitamins.

There is also a medicine in the form of powder - ground tablets.

Adults and children who are generally practically healthy, however face stress, voltage, poor performance, poor memory, the drug is prescribed 2-3 times a day of 1 tablet. Course treatment from 2 weeks to a month.

Under the lesions of the nervous system, which are caused by increased irritability, excitability, emotional instability, insomnia to children under 3 years old are prescribed by half a tablet (50 mg dosage) 2-3 times a day. Course of treatment of 1-2 weeks. Next, take on the floor tablet once a day. Course treatment week-10 days. The maximum daily dose can be up to 150 mg.

For children from 3 years and adults, people should be taken 2-3 times a day of 1 tablets. Treatment should continue for 1-2 weeks. If necessary, you can increase the course of treatment up to the month.

If you suffer insomnia and sleep disorders, take 0.5-1 tablets before bedtime for half an hour. Dosage is the same and adult, and for children.

During the diagnosis of ischemic stroke, the first few hours from the beginning of the development of glycine take 1 gr. Sublingual or flowing together with 1 tsp. liquids. After that, in the first 1-5 days to take 1 gr. On the day, the next month is 1-2 tablets 3 times a day.

In narcology, it is customary to apply the drug to increase mental activity, performance, reducing emotional dosage voltage of 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment can be from 2 weeks to a month. If the doctor recommends that such courses can be repeated to 6 times a year.

Side reactions and contraindications to glycine

The only reaction can articles allergic manifestations. And the contraindication can articles individual intolerance.

Pregnancy and glycine

Reception of the drug during pregnancy or lactation is allowed, but only according to the special testimony of the doctor and under its control.

Glycine and other medicines

In co-use with neuroleptics, anxiolyts, antidepressants, sleeping pills, etc. preparations largely reduce their action.

Comments leave a comment
Sarah 12/17/2019 at 9:09.

From my strong mentally surgery sometimes a stupor is triggered in the head. This is associated with the work. There are such moments when you need to think quickly, finding the right solutions. And in the head of the vacuum. This is a big stress for the body. I am then very well helps glycine. I am always in my handbag I wear Glycine Forte from Evalar. He has a large dosage, and vitamins of group B. Two tablets under the tongue and gradually brain activity increases. And by the end of the working day there is no decline forces.


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