Verodutaant - instructions for use

Verodutaant - instructions for use

The venorutant is a drug-based drug, shown in use in varicose veins, fatigue and pain in the legs. It has a tonic effect on the walls of blood vessels, reduces the level of their fragility, corrects the microcirculation disorders of the blood. Restores the inner surface of large veins and its functionality. In oppressively acts on inflammatory processes.

Forms of release of drug

Veoroduta produced two types:

  • For external use in the form of a gel. Prescribed with pain and legs of legs that have arisen due to the sclerosation of vessels or injuries.
  • For use inward in the form of capsules, conventional or effervescent tablets containing 300, 500 and 1000 mg of the active component, respectively. Prescribed to remove the acute chronic venous insufficiency, to eliminate the symptoms of the microcirculation disorder, as well as with hemorrhoids.

The use of medicine inside

In varicose expansion, violations of venous outflow of blood or hemorrhoid, take the following doses. 300 mg capsules - no more than three times a day, 500 mg pills are two receptions per day, or the effervescent soluble tablets - 1000 mg per one reception. The course of treatment continue to the absolute disappearance of signs of the disease. When they disappear, stop using the drug until the symptoms are re-manifest, usually for 4 weeks. When re-enhancing the disease, repeat the course in the initial doses or in smaller supporting. The smallest dosage to maintain the effect - 600 mg of the drug for one day, use it in two receptions.

Application after sclerosis

Recovery after removing varicose formations and sclerosis requires large doses of the drug. Doctors prescribe up to 3000 mg of medication per day. Dose are broken into three parts.

Application for disease prevention

Veroduta is prescribed to avoid complications after the course of ionizing irradiation, differently - radiation therapy. Dosage - one tablet 500 mg per day. Take over a full period of irradiation and upon completion of it to the final elimination of negative symptoms.

Gel application

Apply the gel locally on the affected skin with a thin layer. Lock until it is completely absorbed. For the treatment, doctors recommend doing it twice a day, and during the remission, go to the sparing mode - 1 application overnight. The gel can be applied even under a bandage of bandages or pulling tights.

Application at various times of pregnancy

Do not use Vertoruta in the first three weeks of pregnancy, since for this period there are no adequate indicators of its safety. At other stages, the use of the drug is possible and does not have a negative impact on the fruit. In the period of lactation, the application is also not contraindicated, because the active substance is practically not concentrated in the breast milk of the mother.

Use with other medicines and side effects

The effect of venodone tablets becomes stronger when taking simultaneously with vitamin C. The drug taken by patients inside, is moved well. Rare patients feel heartburn or nausea, unpleasant sensations in the field of epigastria. In extreme cases, the tool can cause pain in the head or hyperemia of vessels. Gel for external application can provoke a local allergic reaction. Before applying, be sure to consult a profile specialist.

Proper storage

Drug, regardless of the form of release, store at 15-30 ° C. Do not leave the drug in high humidity. The shelf life of effervescent soluble tablets is 4 years, and capsules, gel and ordinary tablets - 5 years.

Before using the medicine, contact your doctor who will check the presence of contraindications and assign a dosage in accordance with the established diagnosis.

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