Lazolyvan, instructions for use

Lazolyvan, instructions for use

Lazolyvan is one of the most common drugs for the effective treatment of colds and viral diseases of the respiratory system. The main principle of operation is the localization of the mocroid and the release of them through the oral cavity by expectoration. Consider in more detail how to apply the drug.

General information about the Lazolyvan

The main component of the Lazolyvan is an ambroxol - a colorless, transparent solution. It is this component that is responsible for the wet wet by increasing the secretion of bronchial cells and the emergence of their outward. The medicine can be found in the form of syrup, tablets and inhalation solutions. After taking the drug, its components dissolve in the body, falling into the necessary organs during half an hour. There they join proteins and are evenly distributed over the tissues. The drug is excreted through the kidneys within ten hours after use.

In which cases to apply a lazolvan?

If you have the following symptoms, this medicine can begin treatment:

  • bronchites at different stages, including chronic;
  • inflammation of lungs, pneumonia;
  • light disease in chronic form;
  • bronchial asthma with wet sparkling difficult;
  • bronchiectatic diseases;
  • respiratory diseases in newborns, including premature children.

Application of the drug. Dosage of Lazolyvan

Tablets are intended mainly for adults and children over 12 years old. The first three days it is necessary to drink 30 mg. Once a day. Starting from the fourth day, this dose doubles, that is, 30 mg is taken twice a day. The solution is prescribed for adults 4 ml. Once a day, the first two to three days and after - 2 ml. three times a day.

Children up to two years - 1 ml. Twice a day, from two to five years - 1 ml. three times a day, and from five to fifteen years - 2 ml. three times a day. If you have purchased syrup, then in the first three days for adults it is necessary to consume 10 ml. Three times a day, and on the fourth day, three receptions of 5 ml. Children from five to twelve years should be used 15 ml. Two - three times a day, from two to five - 7.5 ml. three times a day, and up to two years old dose of 7.5 ml. Accepted once a day.

For inhalation, the tool is used from 15 to 22 mg. Depending on the degree of severity and age of the patient. At injections, the maximum allowable dose is calculated per 1 kg. Weight 30 gr. drug.

Side effects of Lazolyvan

Among the side effects are the following:

  • disorder of digestive organs;
  • very rarely - nausea, vomiting, heartburn;
  • rash on the skin, allergy.

Interaction with other drugs

If you use other medicines, then read these warnings:

  • Lazolyvan enhances the effect of antibiotics.
  • When using funds that stop the cough, the action of the Lazolyvan will be reduced. Since the drug stimulates an expectorant process, and the cessation of cough makes it difficult.
  • Lazolyvan in solutions mix only with glucose, left-handed or ringer solution. Do not experiment with other healing fluids, as they may interfere with the removal of the drug, and a precipitate will occur in the body.

Other requirements for the use of Lazolyvan

Remember more information:

  • Prepare Store at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees Celsius.
  • The shelf life is indicated on the package, it is from three to five years.
  • The pharmacies are released on a recipe from the doctor.
  • Cases of overdose medication did not occur.
  • There are no special contraindications, except for the individual intolerance to the ingredients of the drug.
  • It is permitted for women, nursing and pregnant women from the second trimester.

With an obsessive cold, you will definitely use the Lazzolyvan, and soon you will feel how the disease retreats. Take care of health.

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