Erispal, instructions for use

Erispal, instructions for use

The active ingredient of Erespala - Fenspirid. The product belongs to the category of anti-inflammatory, antibronchoconstrictor medical drugs. Designed for the symptomatic treatment of respiratory tract, ENT organs, blocking inflammatory processes and eliminate an allergic reaction on the basis of diseases.

Pharmacology Erespala

Erispal blocks H1-histamine receptors and has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the bronchi. It has anti-inflammatory abilities that are formed as a result of the activity of a variety of antiflogistic factors. Performs by the blockade of α1-adrenoreceptors, stimulating the secretion of viscous mucus.

Indications for Erpalu

The drug is mainly prescribed for the treatment of upper and lower respiratory tract. Indication to use are:

  • bronchitis;
  • infectious diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system without complications, as general antibiotic therapy;
  • laryngitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • rinopharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • respiratory manifestations with influenza, measles, cough;
  • otitis.

Method of use of Erespala

Children from 2 years prescribed Erispal in syrup (orally). The daily rate must be distributed on 2-3 receptions, before eating. The recommended dose is calculated individually, but should not exceed the maximum allowable norm.

The recommended dose is 4 mg / kg (2 ml) weight:

  1. Children 2-12 years old:
  • children from 2 years to 10 kg of weight, the daily rate is 2-4 h. l. syrup (10-20 ml);
  • children from 2 to 12, body weight from 10 kg, daily dose 2-4 st. l. syrup (30-60 ml).
  1. Children from 12 years old and adult:
  • the daily rate is 3-6 st. l. syrup (45-90 ml).


Contraindications for Erispal and overdose

The drug is not prescribed to patients under 2 years old, as well as if the intolerance or an increased allergic reaction to any of the components components is observed.

In case of overdose, it may be observed: nausea, increased fatigue, excitability, tachycardia, vomiting. During the manifestation of a similar reaction, contact the item for washing the stomach and the additional examination

Ability to influence the reaction

Such studies were not conducted, but, given the opportunity to cause drowsiness and increased fatigue, Erispal should be taken with the caution of drivers and working professions of increased physical risk.

Features of application and caution to Erispal

Erispal prevention cannot be regarded as an alternative to antibiotic therapy.

The preparation is noted sucrose, which is partly a contraindication for people suffering from rare hereditary intolerance.

Insulinically independent patients should be borne in mind that 1 tsp. Syrope Erespala - this is 3 g of sucrose, and tea 9 g.

Parabhenes in the composition of the drug are able to cause an allergic reaction.

Side Effects Erespala

The common response of the organism on the reception of Fenspirid - gastrointestinal disorders. Dermatological manifestations, dizziness, drowsiness and rapid heartbeat are rare.

The drug Erispal is a relatively safe remedy by the manifestation of side effects. Effectively performs a specific function in the prescribed area of \u200b\u200bthe drug.

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